Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dejavu at my old School!

Today I spent the whole day sitting in an who I ask you, plans an inservice when you have 15 days of school left, report cards to do, and packing a whole room up to move!!!  Only someone at the board office!  I think sometimes they are soooooooo out of touch with the real world here!  The presenters kept thanking us for taking the time today to come.  I asked my neighbor if she had a choice in coming?  She said, 'No, did you?"  We just laughed.  That's how the world is sometimes.

The weird thing was I was in the school that I went to Elementary School in.  I took a couple of pictures of it.  I was sitting in my old Kindergarten room for this in-service.This huge tree is still there.  It has  a circle of stones about 8 layers high which go around the tree.  We used to sit outside and listen to stories our teacher read on nice days.  I remember kicking my legs against the stones over and over again as I listened to the stories.    This was also a sad site as a classmate who had hydrocephalus fell and hit his head and later died. It was so sad to lose a classmate.

This is where we used to wait for first grade.  We had our own entrance to the building and formed a line at the beginning of the day and the end.  We used to try to be the first one in line before school. Where you see cement by the door used to be a large grate that had heat coming out of it.  It was the best place to stand on those cold days waiting for the teacher to open the door.
This was the doorway to the bathroom and the sink area where we acquired art supplies and a drink of water.  It looks so sad and shabby now.  The building has been annexed to the Middle School and has become part of the Middle School.  However some of the classes have either been not decorated or they are all packed for the end of the year.  I found it very depressing.
This is the windowsill and bookshelf where we found many delightful books to read.  Our teacher read so many books to us that came from these areas.  This school was built in the 50's.

Here's a card I made today for the sketch challenge.  I love how easy this was!  This Inky Antics stamp set was one I stamped at Jane's house.

Here's an interesting video of Ronald Regan a friend sent to me.  I never realized he had so much to say about God. I know his church put this together but I was still surprised how much he spoke about God.

Well, it's back to the salt mines tomorrow.  I'll see what I missed today.
Tomorrow we'll go to see Yanni here in Cleveland.  It's been a long time since we've seen him.  I hope it's a good concert.  It will be downtown.
Thank you for stopping by.
Blessing to share:Last night my dear friend and her husband came to our Bible study.


1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

My local school district just completed a feasibility study of our elementary schools. They were last updated in the early 90s before ADA requirements went into effect. It's gonna cost millions to upgrade them. One proposal is to close the neighborhood schools and build one big elementary school. Not sure it's a good plan. Three of my kids attended the same school that I did. But I have to let those sentimental feelings go and decide what is right for our community. I do not want two empty buildings in our neighborhoods and one big school way across town that Clarice has to ride 30 minutes to get to. Our population has leveled out. Seems like there is no need to spend millions on a new school. And there is a freeze on school building construction. Taxes will go up. Sorry for rambling! ... I enjoyed watching the Reagan video. We need someone like him back in office!

Cards With Scraps

 Hey Everybody, I've been busy teaching classes this week and making birthday cards for kids.  A friend gave me this cute kid paper so I...