Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Into the City-Gatlinburg

Today was a day to see what Gatlinburg had to offer. Here are some photos of the day. 
We started at a place called the Village to shop.  We especially enjoyed the donut shop, the Christian book store, Kincaid Gallery, and the Candy shop.  Fudge is a family favorite as well as Jelly Bellys.  It was 90+ here and hard to walk for long periods of time without  stopping.
After lunch Tim and I went our way and the kids went their way.  Tim and I rode the ski lift to the top of the mountain and back down.  Here are a few pictures of that.
They make you get off at the top to see the picture they took of you hoping you'll buy it, then you can shop at the top and then come down.
We saw an interesting store front and had to take a picture.  We couldn't get in front of it to take a picture but thought it was a funny thought, that we'd visited the Nut House! LOL

We were exhausted after 4 hours and came back to the cabin and air conditioning.
This is a picture of our cabin for the week.  It is right on the edge of the mountain.
The cabin next door has sunk several feet and is not inhabitable.  Not sure it would be safe to walk onto it.  Things here are all built on the mountain where you see rock slides.....gravity makes it impossible to keep things from sliding.  It's amazing to see all the houses here on the mountain and the supports that are in the mountain holding them up. I don't think I want to think about that with a few more days here. 
Blessings of the day: We enjoyed family time eating, shopping and watching a movie tonight.
Thanks for checking up on us.

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Important Updates

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