Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wednesday is Better

Today was a better day for Ben. He no longer has a fever and his headaches seems to be less and less. He asked if he could get out of bed and walk around the nurses station so that's a good sign that he's getting his strength back and he's bored laying in bed all day. He seemed better able to keep track of what we were saying and we had a good time visiting as a family. Here are a few cards I made.

The first card is for the sketch challenge for today on SCS.
This second picture is made by me for the Tea Potters Party this week, going to Alex who loves giraffes.  She has medical issues and all who want to can mail their card to her after posting it in the gallery.
Here are two pictures of Sarah taken at a photo shoot the other day.  I think these are gorgeous!
Love this one too.
So we hit a record yesterday of 98 degrees and today was hot as well.  We're going to stay HOT here in Ohio, but it should go back into the middle 80's soon.
Thanks for stopping by today.


RitaR said...

Just a note to let you know that I just stopped to have prayer for Ben and am rejoicing that he is getting such wonderful care in the hospital!

May the Lord take this situation and make it all work out for good, as only He can do ... and may the Lord receive glory through this trial which He has allowed in your family.

PBrown9624 said...

Oh Sue~ What a tough week you guys have had! I will pray for Ben and for you.Do you need anything? Please let me know if you do!

Did You Know? You Can Layer Embossing Powder to Make a Metal Looking Tag

 Hey everybody, I've been having lots of fun with heat embossing this week. In My previous post I showed you how to heat emboss ribbon. ...