Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Weekend is Done and Tim's Going to Work to Rest!

Saturday was a long, hot day outside.  Tim was busy getting the pool ready.  I was helping when needed. I have to tell you that 90 something degrees is very hard for me to be in for very long.  I don't know how Tim did it.
We now have water in the pool and it has been shocked and the filter is on and circulating the water.
Soon we'll heat it with the sun and heater if needed.  It's very cold when you first fill your pool at the beginning of your swimming season.  I can't wait to get in and try it out on these hot days.

 I have been working on things to show people when they come to my Open House Saturday.
Here's a One Sheet Wonder that I created MYSELF!  I've always used someone else's pattern and finally this weekend I made my own!  Here are my cards:
I'm so happy that they came out so well.  Some of the pieces I purposely put together as I was making the pattern.  Then there were 4 or 5 pieces that I put a ? on the back not knowing what to do with them.  I waiting until I had the others put together and looked at the ? and thought of what to do with the papers.  The stamps I used are soon to be my favorite two-step stamping set called Stippled Blossoms.

I came across this online and thought it was a great thing to pass along. It will work wonders for me!
This saying got my attention all right.  It's funny that God brought this today.  Yesterday while I was shopping for pool supplies I saw two couples being childish or mean to their spouse.  I know we all have our circumstances, but we need to, with God's help continue to support and love our spouse and not mistreat them.  Try to remember how you treated them when you first went out with him.  You treated him like a guest.  Maybe sometimes you can get back to doing that huh?  It might work wonders for your marriage and your life, not just his. :)
 I came across this recently as well.  How many of us wives pray for our husbands.  I don't mean the kind of prayer that goes like this,  Dear God, He's at it again, can't you just change HIM so that our marriage can be all that it was meant to be?  Thanks so much, and oh, could you do it NOW?!
Put any of our names in that blank.  Well I came across 10 ways to pray for your husband.  I think this is a great way to support our husband and also realize once again why we married him.  We love him so much that we will pray for his protection.  Take a look at these.  They are not to change your husband but to strengthen him as a servant of God and to make him all the husband God wants him to be, now you want him to be.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Blessing for today:I got my Stampin' Up presale order in at 2 a.m. our time so it can be shipped and to me by Tuesday at the latest.

1 comment:

RitaR said...


These cards are a feast for the eyes ... I can't wait to get my hands on that Stippled Flower stamp set!

I love your Spirit-filled, uplifting blog entries! And, I love the Prayers for our Husbands information you posted. What wonderful wisdom!

Have a blessed 4th of July! God bless!

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