Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What's In A Day?

It's been a busy week so far. My mom went into the hospital Sunday evening with dehydration and vomiting. They did a scan but couldn't find anything wrong. They got her re-hydrated and sent her home. Seems though that she didn't remember why she was in the hospital and seemed confused......We're in the process of trying to get her to a geriatric doctor to see what's going on. Not sure if it could be dementia or Alzheimer's or what is going on with her. She'll be 81 next weekend.

 I went to Ladies Latte Monday at our church and listened to the pastor's wife speak on Psalm 139. We looked at how we should look at ourselves and see ourselves through God's eyes not our eyes or through experiences we've had or other people's eyes. It truly was eye pun intended. :) 

We are doing a Bible study Tuesday evenings on the book of Revelation and the 4 different beliefs about the end times. This is pretty interesting. Tim's leading it and takes lots of time during the week to study it to present to us. I am grateful for him doing this. Tonight I got some cool metallic nail polish which was on sale. Buy one get the second half-off. Check it out.  I got the purple and Sarah and I did our nails together oooooing and ahhhhhing about how each nail came out. Lots of fun.

Looking forward to making some cards on my own soon.  I made cards for Card Ministry last Friday and have finished cards for this Friday which is my monthly make and take.  Not sure how many ladies will be here.  I hope to be able to stamp tomorrow night and Saturday.  It's been so long.

Ben told me he wants to do missions trips this summer instead of going on the Sr. High trip to St. Louis.  It will be interesting to see where he gets to go.  He's helping with an organization called Building Hope in the City.  So he is involved in helping to set up churches in homes in the Cleveland area.  
 I liked this saying and wanted to pass it along.  My daughter will be 16 in a month.  Hard to believe.  I don't know where the time has gone.
Check out this picture. Sarah and I were fooling around with a website that takes your picture and adds different affects.  This one is rain.
This one was ghosts.
This one added all sorts of sparkles to our picture.  Lots of fun and laughs was had doing this with Sarah.
 Love this quote and it was spoken by one of the BEST preachers I've every listened to.  He's a very gifted teacher and pastor.
It's time to get some sleep.  Long day tomorrow as we have teacher conferences.  Thank you for stopping in.
Blessing of the day:Time spent with Sarah Annie.

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Shading With Colored Pencils

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