Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I Want To Say Thank You

I just want to say thank you by the Katinas is a song that spoke to my heart tonight.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the business of life so I took some time to slow down and listen.  See what you think.

I'm pained to think of how much time I don't thank God for what I have yet yearn for more stuff....
Please forgive me God for my selfishness and my lack of nearness to you lately.  Please be patient with me as I grow and learn to be more like you.

My Ladies Bible Study talked about what judging others and what it looks like.  This seemed appropriate.
This is food for thought.  As I approach the 18th birthday of my son, I think of his future and what lies ahead for him. I pray that God will continue to lead and guide him to where He wants Ben to be.
I felt wonderful seeing this today.  I guess it was a day of thinking and growing closer to God.
Blessing of the Day: We had a great Bible Study tonight with another couple.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Paper Pumpkin Kits For Spring

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