Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cute Facebook Video

Facebook is 10 years old.  They are making a 60 second video of posts you've made.  Check it out.

Here is a card I made today.  This was for the color challenge using gray, pumpkin and primrose petals.  When I saw those colors I immediately thought, "I'll make some flowers."  However, after looking around I saw this stamp, made the trees gray and the sunset in the pumpkin and primrose.  I thought the primrose would show up more pink than it did.  I'm pleased with this.
I have been listening to recordings by Rick Warren found here. I have been taking notes and writing scripture in my notebook, and have felt so encouraged by it all.  I'm still behind where he is, but little by little I'm getting there.  I'm listening to a few sermons at a sitting.  Thank you God for bringing this to me.  It's of course just what I needed. :)

I saw this on Facebook and liked the reminder.  This is something I've been hearing from Rick Warren.  You need to set Godly Goals.  A Godly goal is on that brings you closer to God.  So glad each of my days are in His hands.  I can't imagine where I'd be without him.

Tonight the weather is supposed to include a winter storm bringing 6-10 inches of snow.  All of my teacher friends are keeping their fingers crossed for a snow day.  I mentioned this at dinner and Tim started to say to Sarah that she might get a snow day......then stopped and laughed cuz she never gets snow days working from home.  Oh well, she gets to work in her pj's if she wants to.  You can't do that at public school.

Blessings of the Day: Lunch Date with Tim, Fun Dinner with Sarah and Tim. Great Bible Study with Chuck and Maryanne.
Tim and I have been so blessed to be able to have Bible Study with Chuck and Maryanne.
Thanks for stopping by,

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