Saturday, March 15, 2014

Daybook Time

The Simple Woman’s Daybook

FOR TODAY March 15, 2014
Outside My Window...It is dark now so I can't see the deer eating our bushes! LOL

I am thinking...I need winter to be over soon! 

I am thankful for...Tim and all he does for me and our family.

From the kitchen...all is quiet.

I am wearing...a sweatshirt, jeans and shoes.

I am from my saved cards from Pinterest!  It's easier to click and save than it is to go back and use what you've saved! I'm starting to go back.  How about you?  Do you use what you've saved or just love pinning?

I am get some reading done soon. I uploaded three library books to my Kindle so I have to read them or lose them.

I am reading...nothing right now, but will start something tonight.

I am hoping...that Sarah continues to search for where God wants her life to go when high school is over.

I am hearing...the sound of Christian music from Air1.  Michael W. Smith is singing, You Won't Let Go.

Around the house...all is quiet and clean!

One of my favorite stamping into the night when my mojo won't let me slow down and go to sleep.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:Getting my lists made of things to accomplish.  I do better with lists.  I will also see a friend for dinner that I haven't seen in a long, long time!  Can't wait to catch up Brenda.

Here are some pictures I thought were worth sharing...
  I was reminded by this picture that God is always with me.  He wants what's best for me.  In my studies with Rick Warren's daily sermons I'm reviewing forgiveness.  I have to forgive instantly, but I don't have to restore trust immediately, that has to be earned again.  By not forgiving an offender, I hurt myself more than anyone.  The offender feels nothing.  Why then do we do this to ourselves?  Why do we hold resentment and pain inside blaming others for it.  They don't have the power to 'make' us feel anything.  Only we have that power and we need to learn to use it in a positive way and move on from the hurt and pain.  That doesn't mean you forget it, nope God wants us to remember it so we can see how he takes that and works it for good in our life.

 This is a picture that really gave me hope.  Spring, then summer will come soon.  This has been the worst winter we've had in a long, long time here in Cleveland.  This winter has convinced me I need to be in a warmer environment.
 This made me chuckle when I saw it.  When kids are little they tend to follow you everywhere also.  I remember thinking I wouldn't have time alone for a very long time! LOL
 I laughed when I saw this posted on another card maker's blog.
 This is the card I made for today's Inspiration Challenge. Here was my inspiration, and egg carton which I turned into a suitcase.
 I saw this on another gal's blog and liked it.  I don't make cards to please others, but to please myself.  I love making beautiful cards and sending them to people I know and those I don't.  Random Acts of Kindness are a wonderful way to encourage and bless others, while being blessed in return.
Blessing of the Day:Fun times at dinner with bantering between all of us about silly, silly things. Fun times to remember when Sarah's on her own.
Thank you for stopping by.

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Black Ice Technique

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