Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friday and Saturday

Friday was our first day of travel from this beautiful ranch home.  It is truly amazing inside and out.  The owner has 80 acres here and built the home we're staying in.  He is a contractor.  He had a cottage built for renting out and he built a smaller home for he and his wife built on the property as well.  I have the feeling when the ranch house isn't rented out they come back to occupy it.  There are things in the fridge and pantry.  This is the back of the house.

 This is behind the house as well.
 On the drive in we saw lots and lots of cattle roaming free.  This is one little fellow that greeted us on the way.
 Here are a bunch of cows roaming where they'd like.  They allow the cattle to roam free like the old ways.  If you don't want cattle on your property you have to fence off your own yard so the cattle don't bother it.  Interesting huh?
 Next we saw this group of animals crossing the road.  We at first thought they were deer, then antelope.  Not sure what they were but we started singing home on the range. LOL
 Here was a straggler but he had horns so we didn't rush him one little bit.
 We were driving to Oatman, which is an old ghost town that has been revived.  It has shops, restaurants and places to look around.  It also has wild burros who wander the streets.  You can buy burro food and feed them from your hand.

We followed a winding road behind bikers.  Some had stopped here to take a look at all of the people driving on this twisting and turning road.
 Here's what we saw when we got to Oatman.
 Next we saw a burro and his friends;bikers.  It turns out it's Biker's Week in Laughlin and the over flow was here in Oatman.  Needless to say, there wasn't any place to park or move around here, so we continued to drive through Oatman.
 Next we drove to Laughlin, Nevada which was close by and found out where most of the bikers were hanging out.  There is no gambling in Arizona, so just over the border in Nevada, is a huge group of hotels and casinos.
 This place was crawling with bikers.  Some riding bikes, many walking the sidewalks carrying open containers of all sorts of beverages.  There were lots of tents, shows, things to buy and lots to drink!  We turned around and headed home.  We were disappointed in our day but dinner was great at a mom and pop restaurant.  We hope to head back to Oatman Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
Blessing of the Day:Today we got to rest and hang around the house.  Tim and I went for a walk in the chilly weather.  This morning we got snow!  Pictures to come later.
Thanks for traveling to Arizona with us.

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