Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Full Time Volunteer This Week

This week has been very busy.  I am volunteering from 8-11 a.m. each day this week to help with state testing of first graders.  Sad but true, first grader have to take these tests too.  Grade K does also.  Anyway, it's been a bit difficult to do this and get other things done.

Yesterday was interesting.....I volunteered, went grocery shopping, stamped with a friend, dropped Sarah off at her driving class, went to eat with friends, picked Sarah up from driving class, then came home and did some more volunteer work from home.

Today I came home, had lunch then made banana bread, then chili, did laundry and made a card.  Whew, busy days for sure. I know it's very helpful to volunteer this week and it's very much appreciated.  Sarah helped me make banana bread and chili today.  I was so grateful for all of her help.

This is a card I made today for the sketch challenge.  When Val came over to stamp yesterday, she brought this stamp.  I practiced coloring it with alcohol ink markers she had and it came out pretty well.

 This was a card made for Monday's technique lovers challenge where you had to do an inlay.  I put my text into the cantaloupe colored paper.  I colored the dots on the image with different colored markers to mimic the designer paper.  This is the first card with this new set.   I will continue to play around with this set.
 Seems our family is again under duress.  Ben had a tough day Tuesday and called very upset.  I just wanted to get on a plane to Austin.  It's hard as a parent to see your child that upset and not want to help any way you can.  It's so hard to be a parent of a grown child......It never gets easier I'm told.  When I found this picture and verse, I found a bit of peace.  Thank you God for giving me what I need when I need it. :)
I saw this on FB and loved it.  It applies to any child.  I thought of it for my two kids who are very different.  I also liked it because it applied to each special needs and general ed. child I taught over my 35 years of teaching.
This is the front of the house we almost bought in Austin.  I loved this house but it just wasn't meant to be.  SIGH........It seemed perfect, but God said, "Not now."  So we pray and wait on the Lord.  Very good advice I'm told.

We had to say good-bye to Austin and Ben and Rachel and it's always so hard.  I found this song last night and really liked it.  I hope you do too.

How To Say Good Bye is a song written by Michael W. Smith when his daughter was going off to college.
It's a touching song.  Give it a listen.

Blessing of the Day: Spending time with Sarah Baking and Cooking today.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Did You Know? You Can Layer Embossing Powder to Make a Metal Looking Tag

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