Friday, June 6, 2014

Simple Woman in North Royalton

The Simple Woman's Daybook-June 6, 2014

 Outside My is just getting dark.  It's been a long day.

 I am thinking...that I have wonderful friends at Parma Heights Christian Academy.  Lunch at The Double Dragon was amazing!

 I am thankful for...being able to attend the luncheon at The Double Dragon Restaurant.  The food was amazing!  There was so much to choose from.  I can't wait to go back!

 From the kitchen...all is quiet for the night until Sarah comes down for her nightly bowl of ice cream.   

 I am wearing...a t-shirt, jeans and no socks!  Love being barefoot in the summer.

 I am creating... cards for The Cleveland Ronald McDonald House AND I'm working on a scrapbook of our Arizona vacation.

 I am sleep in tomorrow if I can.

 I am reading...nothing, the loan on my paper white expired! GRRRR now I can't remember the title!

 I am hoping...God continues to guide Ben and Rachel and that they are focused on Him and what He wants for them. They begin a week long workshop to see if they are a fit for the missionary organization they talked to.

I am hearing...the  quiet music from my laptop which is an encouragement to me.

 One of my favorite reading fiction books.  I read on my Kindle, but still love the feel of a real book in my hands with pages you can turn.

 A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:Rest and get some work done around here.

 Here are some pictures I thought were worth sharing...
The first one speaks for itself.  
 This card was to honor Nancy as Queen For The Day and for the Free 4 All challenge to use vellum.
 Isn't she just the sweetest?  She's a new stamp for me.  She was for the Ways to Use It Challenge from yesterday.  You had to use a sun.

Blessings of the Day: Lunch with the PHCA Staff.
Getting Judy home so her husband could take her to the doctor's office.  She fell off a desk she was standing on.
Thank you for stopping by today.
Please pray for Ben and Rachel, that God will allow them to see what He wants them to do.

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