Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Home From Milwaukee

I am home now from visiting my twin sister in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  This is a photo of the sky early in the morning on my way to Wisconsin.  Love being above the clouds and seeing the moon.
 These two beagles were my company all week.  Chilie is on the left and Bubba is on the right.  They are hunting dogs but very people oriented.
 This is Annie and I at the Milwaukee Airport before I left.  Stas her husband, had to take the picture in front of the Harley.....ha,ha.  Must be a guy thing.  This kind of goodbye is bittersweet.  I will dearly miss my sister and her husband, but want to be back with Tim and the kids.

Ben and Rachel leave for Africa in 3 weeks.  It's coming so fast and I want to spend as much time as I can with them before they leave. sniff...sniff
This is what greeted me at home.  My Sweet Sarah Annie got this for me.  Check out the sweet note too.  Made me cry to hear that she and a lady at work propped the flower up, and added a bow just so it would look nice for me.  It was a complete shock to me and very sweet.
This is the card I made today for the sketch challenge on Splitcoast.  It is a gatefold card.  With an 8 1/2 by 5 1/2" piece of cardstock, You score on the horizontal side 2 1/8" from each end then fold.  Easy peasy to make.
This is a new artist to me and his name is David Dunn.  The song is called Have Everything.  Give it a listen and see what you think.

Blessing of the Day: Home safe from Milwaukee and Ben made Chili for lunch!  
Thanks for stopping by.

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Basic White Thick Cardstock is Staying!

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