Saturday, May 9, 2015

My Calling, I'll Be The Light

I saw this on FB and just had to chuckle.  I know there have been many times when all I needed was a hug and someone who just sits with me.  Not someone who solves things, but just sits there reassuring me it will be okay.  Have you had those times?
God gives us gifts to use and reflect his love to others.  My gift is teaching and cardmaking.  I'm an encourager.  I love making cards to encourage others.  I remember when I was a kid seeing my mom's address book in the cabinet.  I asked her who the people were in the book.  She said it was friends from high school and college, people she grew up with.

I asked why she didn't contact them more often than Christmas. (I was 8 or so and didn't have a clue what taking care of 7 kids was like.) LOL
I decided then and there that I wouldn't do that.  Many of my friends have moved away and I don't see them.  I need to increase the number of cards I send out.  More and more of my cards go to other organizations.  I'm glad I got this reminder to be the cardmaking encourager I need to be.
Here's the card I made for Sunday's Featured Stamper, Polly.  The base of this card is gorgeous designer paper.
Here's my inspiration for my card:
Here are more samples that I made that will go to Cleveland Clinic Hospice At Home.
This was the verse of the day on my blog.  I love to paste the verse into google and find images for it.
Here's something I try to be; a light.  I try to be what God needs me to be.  I know I fail miserably sometimes, but I really do want to please the one who created me.  Listen to this song and may it bring you peace.  It's called, I'll Be The Light by Colton Dixon.

Blessing of the Day:I got lots of cleaning done here. Tim and I went to Igloos for a frozen yogurt treat tonight.
Thanks for stopping by.
Blessings and Hugs,

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