Saturday, June 6, 2015

Volley Ball Puzzle More Than You Think

I just found some pictures of Ben and the kids playing volleyball in the yard in front of the orphanage.  The orange structure is the first floor that's been newly built.  Ben's in the blue hoodie behind the net on the far side.  He sounds like he's having a great time here in Kenya.
I finished another batch of cards for the Cleveland Clinic Hospice at Home. I delivered them yesterday.  They were thrilled with them.  This is my passion; to make cards for others to use and enjoy.

This card was made for today's Inspiration Challenge.
Here is my inspiration for my card.

front door arrangement. Cute for spring. And different than the usual wreath.
This was the verse on my blog for today.  I like finding images that have these quotes on them and posting them.
This is a song by Danny Kokey called, More Than You Think I Am.  Give it a listen.
Tim's been working late to get the things done that he needs to for his trip to Illinois in a week and a half to install all of the tech equipment for the 13 new stores.  Please pray for him.  He's worked 14 straight days.  He has long days at work an last night got home at 9:30. He starts at  6 a.m.  I'm praying that he takes care of himself.  Thanks for your prayers.
Blessing of the Day: Sunshine, cool temps and getting things done around here.
Thanks for stoppingby.

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January 2025 Class Follow-Up

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