Monday, November 23, 2015

God, Crazy Birds and More

I know that we fight the silent fight of the unseen world and it's leader; the devil.  I was so aware of that, this past Friday and Saturday.

 I had been missing Tim.  He's been going to Brianna's (his daughter's) house for several weeks helping to fix it up.  He goes directly from work to her house then here.  By the time he gets here he's spent.  We talk for a bit, then he's ready to chill in front of the tv then go to sleep.

I understand that and have told him to do what he needs to do to help her.  This is her first house, but she doesn't have friends that will come over to help paint or even move.  Anyway, this is something he can do for her and he wants to.

That  combined with the pain and procedure I just had, left me vulnerable to sadness and a bit of depression.  I took a break from what was going on and talked to God in a quiet area and took a nap.  When I got up I was refreshed and ready to battle again, with more strength.

I hope you know the plan God has for your life.  He's got amazing plans if you just follow him as he unfolds it little by little.

Today's Technique Lover's Challenge was to make a box card. So here's my card.  Mind you it took me almost 2 hours to figure out the directions. I probably should have had more coffee ya know?  Anyway, when I go to post this on Splitcoast, I see someone has found a VIDEO to follow.  Ooohh, I wished I had seen that instead of wracking my brain to figure it out.

Once I figured out how to make these, I made 4 in the time it took to make this one! LOL  I am trying to use designer paper and needed these right away, so I used the same sentiment on all.  These birds are a hoot.

Pictures to share of what happened to make them cry.  I laughed and laughed.  It took me back and gave me another glimpse of the past.

Stampin' Up is having and incredible sale.  Check it out online and see what things you can find for Christmas and Birthday gifts.

This verse of the day got me to pondering.  The 'things' in our lives are distractions from God and even family.  I remember being able to buy what I'd like,  being single.  One thing I saved for was a sapphire ring surrounded like Diana's.  Yes, it was way back in her time.  Of course I couldn't afford her ring,  but found one in my price range and bought it when I had enough cash.

The whole time I was saving for it I coveted it and just couldn't stop thinking of it.  I was so excited the day I got it.  I admired it and was thrilled with my purchase for a while.  It didn't take long and that wasn't exciting at all.  I wanted something else......and so the cycle continued.

That was a time in my life before I was a Christian.  The things didn't give me satisfaction for long.

I know that God is the only one who can fill the whole in my heart.  I work on not wanting more day by day.  I'm at a stage in life where I don't have to wait until my birthday or Christmas, I can go and get what I want.

I'm not sure, but I think that by serving God in my retirement by making cards for organizations and working at school two days a week keeps me busy and happy that I don't fixate on needing something to fill me.  Praise God!  I'm not saying I don't struggle with this, but with God's constant help, I'm making progress.

This is a nice song with vocals from The Afters. It's called Live On Forever.

Blessing of the Day:I got to talk to Tim tonight and went to a meeting this morning at school and felt energized when I came home with something to work on!  
Medical: I felt pretty good this morning, but all the walking to my meeting and getting ready was a little much for me.  I have to remember to take is slowly.
I am getting sleep and I'm pretty comforable during the day.
Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes.

Thank you Karen for your sweet card.

Thank you for dropping in today.

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February Class Follow-Up

  AC=Annual    SC=Spring Catalog    SAB=Sale-a-Bration Catalog On=Online Exclusives found  here Links to products are in bold print. Stampin...