Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year Everyone! 2016 Has Arrived!

Well it's finally 2016!  How was 2015 for you?  Besides my health, it was great for me.  For years I've celebrated with Sarah or by myself.  I stamp and watch the ball drop on my computer.  It's not Tim's thing to stay up until midnight and celebrate the new year.  In years past I've gotten food and non-alcoholic beverages and we'd celebrate the new year.
One year I was in Illinois with my sister and brother in law.  They clang pans with metal spoons, if you can believe it!
 I know for some people 2015 was awful. A friend named Holly is someone I've been praying for.  She's had lots of medical issues and something recently that I don't know the specifics.  Could you pray for Holly's situation, whatever it is?  She's overwhelmed with her situation right now.  Thank you for considering this.
 New Years Eve found Phoebe again watching the robins in the tree eating the dried berries.
 Annabelle looked to the tree filled with birds in her own little jungle under the spider plant.  The robins kept them at the window for a long time today. Some of those robins were super fat!
 The Porto Family had lots of traditions.  This is one of them.  We had a gum drop tree.  Little by little we'd eat the gum drops off the tree.  It was such a wonderful tradition that Patty, sent each sibling a gum drop tree.  Here's mine filled with the 3rd round of gum drops.  Love this and my kids start asking about when we're getting gum drops for the tree.
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Daniel 2:1
2 In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; his mind was troubled and he could not sleep.

Have you ever had nights you couldn't sleep or nights where you've had weird dreams?  I'm getting more and more.  I'm places that sometimes I don't recognize with people I know.  I sometimes wish I had Daniel here to interpret my dreams.
   What does it mean that I dream I have twins and I'm trying to nurse them at a party.  I see across the room a very handsome man that I knew years ago.  I wasn't sure if I should leave the party or go  up to him.

Maybe it's best I don't know what it means. LOL

I've been working on more bird cards.  I've also used my Minc machine on my bird images and the words I printed out on Tim's laser printer.  I can't wait to work on them tomorrow.

Here's a song by Danny Gokey called, Hope in Front of Me.  Take a listen.

Blessing of the day: Doing PT exercises, but sore tonight.  It's probably from the exercises.  I made a lot of birthday cards which are in different stages.
Tim is almost finished with things at Brianna's house.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy New Year!

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