Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ben is 21

Here's my first born at three months. He was born Feb. 16th.  He was supposed to be born on Valentine's Day.  We used to tell him he didn't want to come out to meet us so the doctor had to pull him out by his feet! LOL  He loved that story and it made him laugh.

I used to go through their baby book with them but they have no interest in it now, so I guess Until they move out, I'll be the only one looking through baby books filled with their newborn pictures.

Where did the time go?  How could I be the mom of a 21 year old?  I am truly blessed by this young man.

This was this past Christmas.
 Here is out Christmas family picture.
 I saw this and laughed. I just had to share it.
 I know this is true but it's so hard to wait for God  to work things out.  I usually don't have the patience.
I was talking to Ben and continued to be amazed at how God is moving in his life.  Originally we thought Ben and Rachel were going to Africa for their 2 year training.
However through working with a church in the city, they have had an incredible offer.  Their church is trying to buy an old church on the market close to where they are now.  That church has a parsonage to which the pastor and his family will live in.  The pastor said they've wanted to provide a missionary home.  He said when they move out of the bottom of a double, Ben and Rachel can live there rent free.  They will leave as much as they can as far as furniture, dishes, etc.

Ben has also begun working with another group called Hansen House.  They help individuals with brain injuries train for jobs.  They also provide events and opportunities for activities in the area.
The man who leads this has so many contacts and wants to begin linking Ben and Rachel with people who are doing what Ben and Rachel want to do.

So if God is leading them in this they could be in their own home by July 1st.  Until then we just have to wait and see where God will lead them.
What a beautiful video with inserts from Robin Williams called, If We're Honest by Francesca Battistelli 
Blessing of the Day: Tim and I had time to sit and talk tonight.  He was given a raise, the first in many, many years.
I'm tired from all the hours I've put in at Parma Christian Academy this week.  Time for bed.
Monday I should have my second shot for my neck and arm pain.

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