Friday, February 12, 2016

Cleveland, Cards and Cold

The Arcade in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, is a Victorian-era structure of two nine-story buildings, joined by a five-story arcade with a glass skylight spanning over 300 feet, along the four balconies.  It opened in 1888.  The architecture is truly amazing and breath-taking.
It is filled with restaurants and shops.  I loved stopping in here when I went to school at Cleveland State University.

 The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum is a museum located on the shore of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States. It is dedicated to archiving the history of some of the best-known and most influential artists, producers, engineers and others who have, in some major way, influenced the music industry. It is part of the city's redeveloped North Coast Harbor.
  It was opened April 20, 1983.
 The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
This is today's Free 4 All challenge on SCS.  You were to use pink on your card and glitter.  I covered the glitter all right!  LOL  The glimmer papers are so pretty in real life.  I couldn't capture the sparkly in the photo.
Yup, I understand. Who would want a career where you are constantly abused by the people you work for and aren't paid enough to put up with it?

The house of the righteous will stand.  Isn't this amazing?  Just having a relationship with God is amazing isn't it?  I feel so unworthy of all He gives me.  How could I possibly be worthy with the sin in my daily life?  I'm so in awe that God would want a relationship with me.  He called me to accept a realationship with me.  That's incredible to me.
It's also surprising that as much as I mess up each day He still forgives me and claims me as His.  I'm living a miracle each and every day.
I needed this tonight.  I am whipped from working today.  It was a crazy day.  It was jeans day, Cowboy country western day-dress like a cowboy, AND Valentine parties!  Excedrin was in order today!  

We're getting hit with below 0 temps and big, fat snowflakes falling from the sky.  We may be inside tomorrow.

Feeling pretty good pain-wise. Still some pain but it's tolerable.  The bronchitis seems to be gone.  So many people have been hit with this nasty illness.

Blessing of the Day:I made it through. LOL
Thanks for stopping by.

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...