Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Our God is An Awesome God

Other than a new baby, is there anything in the world as beautiful as a sunset on a beach?  I just love this scene.  I've been in Cancun, Mexico for sunset and it's like this.  The beautiful clear water that looks this lovely green color.  That was a vacation made in heaven.  I went with a single's group years ago. (BT-Before Tim)

It was a vacation where we could go and sight-see, sunbathe and go out to eat at night.  We spent lots of time on the beach and in the water.
I saw this on FB today and I loved it!  I've done this a little, when I hear most people talk about troubles in their life, I ask if I can pray right there for them.  I usually end of crying as I do that.  It's okay though, my friends/family understand how I am.

Take a look at this gorgeous creature.  It's a very rare albino cardinal.  Have you ever seen anything like this?  What an amazing God we serve. He's surrounded us with such beauty. 
 The older I grow, the easier it is to follow this.  As a teen, we wanted to please friends because that's who we identified with.  We wanted to be like our friends.  For me, I wasn't a Christian then so there was only a moral conscience, no relationship with Jesus Christ.  So being like everyone else brought happiness.

I'm so glad God's changing me.  That's not to say that I always am who God wants me to be.  I'm human after all.  I think more and more about what I do and how it looks to others.  There are so many non-Christians out there who are more than happy to point out your sins.  I tell them that Yes, I"m not perfect, I am a broken, sinning, Christian who is in need of a Savior.  And I thank God that I have a relationship with Him so I know where I will be when I die.  Do you know where you will be when you die?

If I'm wrong about Heaven and we just die, it's okay.  But if you're wrong about Heaven you'll be in hell for eternity.  Who has more to lose?
 What a list huh?  I saw this and felt a little overwhelmed.  I guess I was going through each one and seeing if it describes me.  If it is I need to start praying for help to give it up.
 This is a beautiful night sky here in Cleveland.  I'm sorry I don't know who took it or where, but I wanted to share it.
 This is a card from today where you had to use colors asked for.  We had to use a gray, yellow and very light blue.  I love these little guys.  For dimension I put liquid applique on some of the snow in the air, and gave one of the snowmen a snowball.  You can't see it but I sprayed it with a mist of glitter.

Here's a song called, Let It Be Known by Lincoln Brewster.  See what you think.
Blessing of the Day: I got lots of cleaning up done around here.  I also got things bagged up and out to the trash before the garbage men came.
Ben and I got to go grocery shopping together.  It's more fun than going alone.  He shops like Tim.  You go in with a list and come out 10 minutes later with food! LOL

Thanks for stopping by.

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