Friday, February 5, 2016

Paper, Cleveland, Mercy and Grace

So I found this when I walked into the main level bathroom.  At least it wasn't left empty right?  LOL
Here's where I live, Cleveland, Ohio.  Take a look at what great things are here.

I long for sunny days like this.  It shows all of God's beautiful creations.
I'm so thankful for God's mercies.  They are new every morning.
Saw this and had to share.  How many times do I forget to count my blessings?   God's blessings are all around us.  I know I take them for granted.  I love the last one here, -just breathe.  To be able to do that means to fully put your trust in the Lord.  Give the problems to Him and let Him help you with it.  Don't take it back as we so often do.
Again with the trust huh?  Yup, when you ask yourself. What can mortal man do to me?
You can rest asssured the answer is NOTHING!  We're so easily sidetracked by Satan's lies.  I think  for me it's more when I'm tired.  Praising you God for holding me in the palm of your hand and loving me in spite of me!
I love the line....I'm living proof grace wins every time!  "I'm rising up in victory."  There's a war between guilt and grace.

Blessing of the Day:I got to sleep in late today.  I didn't realize how draining bronchitis is.
We had dinner with all the kids at Panera.
Thank you for stopping by.

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