Sunday, March 27, 2016

Christ Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed!

Happy Easter 2016-He's Alive, He's Alive!

I saw this today on FB and really liked it.  I've seen so many churches going this route with and Easter Egg Hunt, then a service.  What are we teaching our kids by doing this?
I'm all for Easter Egg hunts, but have them at your family gathering.  The church shouldn't be distracted from the true reason of tomorrow.  It's all about the sacrifice Jesus made for us.  He died! No sugar-coating that.  He was seaparated from His father, God! That must have been pure hell for both. Then after all the pain and suffereing Jesus Rose from the grave! Hallelujah and Amen!

No bunnies in that story.  We used to do an egg hunt at home for the kids for Easter.  I'd type up things on strips of paper and put them into eggs.  The kids would hunt for eggs and put them in baskets.  Then we'd come to the couch and read each one.  One read a fact from the Bible and a verse, then they were given a clue of where to find something.  Usually it was a small toy or some candy.  The idea was, we were connecting it to the Bible and what the Easter Story was all about.  We also had a ressurection egg carton where each night you'd take something from the carton and talk about it. When they were older we included Bible verses to prove what we were telling them was true.

Yea, I still get them a bit of candy, make them something and give a gift card.  But we still celebrate the joyous day at church then with family.  Christ has risen.  He has risen indeed.
Blessing of the Day:Christ has Risen!

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