Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cleveland, Mazzones, and God

Only in Cleveland, Ohio can the weather be this changeable!  Last weekend we had tons of snow.  This weekend, we're cutting the grass and out in the garden!

This is an article about a very special place from my childhood.  This is Mazzone's Pizza and the owner Luigi Mazzone.  Luigi was 96 when he died this week.  My grandfather, born in 1900 in New York City to Italian immigrants, called this man, friend.  The Mazzone family had a shop on the westside and attended St. Rocco church.  My grandfather also attended St. Rocco's.  There were many Italian families in the area that attended there.

Mazzone's was the pizza of choice when I was growing up.  My grandfather would buy it by the sheet.  He would arrive at gatherings with this huge white box and we knew it was time to eat.
We even ate cold, Mazzone's pizza for breakfast the next day, it was sooooooo good.  So because of my grandfather we enjoyed some of the best pizza on  the west side.  We didn't know pizza came in individual rounds!  All we knew were square pieces cut from a huge sheet!

What sweet memories for me and my family.  I might just have to go down there soon and get a pizza to go.

This made me laugh!

This is a great reminder of who has our back-Jesus is right there with us in all that we do.  Fear is not an option with God present.  So hard to achieve though.

I loved how this ended with, 'share to encourage everyone today.'
I journal and find that in reading past entries I see how God has worked in my life.  I write about struggles I'm going through and what I do.  Then I write what happened.  It's amazing to see God's faithfulness and mercy.  So you have, in black and white, times Jesus has worked in your life.  Proof to Satan and you that Jesus is here for you.

My niece posted another beautiful picture of Adam.  Isn't he a cutie pie?  I hope to meet him when I'm in Wisconsin in June.

This is one of the cards I had the ladies do last night, and I used it as my card in the shoebox swap we did.  I love the simplicity in this and the layers. I used dimensionals on all of the layers so it was more noticible. I'm getting a bit better on the reflection of the sun.

I'm given my life to the only one.....
That's the beginning of one of the lines of the song.  If you've done that yourself, you know what a special relationship you have with God.  He gave us hope when we had none.  I pray that you know Jesus as your lord and savior.  If not, I'm praying that God leads you to someone who can explain it to you.  Someone who can show you the free gift God offers to all of us;life in heaven with him for eternity.
Blessing of the Day:Tim put in a new screen on the screened in porch so we could sit out there today in the 70+ weather.  Phoebe was finally able to enjoy the porch as well.

Thank you for stopping by.

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