Sunday, November 13, 2016

Clean and Simple, Boxes and Omelettes

Whew, what a week!  I worked at school Thursday and Friday.  Friday was like a full moon day.  It was like all the kids were on candy all day long! They didn't listen and couldn't hear directions because they were talking or in their own little world.  It was so draining.  I came home and was so tired I couldn't think.

Saturday Tim and I went to Hollo's for envelopes then went to Medina Square.  What a mistake....I forgot it was Saturday and it was crazy!  We ended up driving around then heading home.  I don't enjoy crowds like that.  We decided we'd visit during the week this week instead.

Last night we tried a new church.  It was 20 minutes away.  It was okay and we're going to give it another try.  The preacher was Doc. He was a 50ish preacher with glasses and a long, gray ponytail.  Tim really liked his preaching but I didn't especially. It might have been the topic or the way he was trying to elaborate on his points.  I got a headache trying to follow along and remember how it all related.

My card was a clean and simple favorite this week!  Woohoo!
wow this is amazing..

Congrats, your card is a CAS FAVORITE this week!!!

I laughed out loud at some of these.  I hope you enjoy it as well.

This looked like a great way to make omelettes, especially if you are making several!

I loved this when I saw it. I thought I'd pass it along.

Verse of the Day:We really do have so much included in our relationship with Jesus Christ, if you stop and think about it.
Image result for 1 John 2:1-2

This song is my new favorite, 'pick me up' song.  It is so encouraging!  Give it a listen.  It is sung by Chris Tomlin with Danny Gokey.

Blessing of the Day: Tim and I had time on the porch in the sunshine.  Ben and Rachel came to visit.
What's better than a day with family?

Thanks for your prayers regarding Tim's job.  It is still a prayer item.
Thank you for stopping by.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your blog!
it is so refreshing, enjoyable, and talks about local places.
you remind me i do need to get to Hollo's. They used to be great on prices for a lot of items, but since the owner passed away a couple years ago, the next generation of family seem to have increased their prices. of course everything is going up and up, but i did notice this shortly after his death. Their envelopes were still a good price, of which i need to get out there and get my supply!

The cat video is charming! They are so cute.
I've printed the calendar and will keep to it as much as i can... but i'll have to be creative to the 'pass stickers to kids in line'. it would be too weird if i jumped out at a school whose kids were lining up to go into school (do they even do that anymore?!). Love the concept and i'm 'in'!

You and your lovely family are in my prayers, especially during this transition of work for your husband.

looking forward to your future blogging
thank you for sharing!
mary in fairview park
i just noticed i am on my husbands computer so it will be his address.

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