Thursday, November 17, 2016

This and That Thursday

I have to say that the past two days have been a bit of a blur. Yesterday I had my eye surgery.  It went well. It's interesting that because it's 'just' eye surgery, you think it's no big deal.  I went to sleep at 7 p.m. woke up at 10:30 p.m. to see Tim then went back to sleep until about 6 this morning.

This afternoon after a trip to the doctor  who said the eye is still dilated so there is light sensitivity, it's bruised a bit and sore. Things went well and we'll see how it all is in two weeks.
I was tired and took a nap from one to 6.
It's still surgery and my body needs to rest and recuperate.  I have to remember that.

I saw this on FB and thought of my sweet Sarah Annie who loves to eat pie with lots of whipped cream, especially from the can! LOL
Image may contain: dessert and food

I so believe this.  When Tim and I see some of the things some kids do now we both look at each other and say, "That wouldn't have been tolerated in our house."  We taught out kids to respect us and others, to work hard for what they wanted and to accept responsibility for what they do.

I so agree with this.  At this stage of my life I want no drama.  I keep my circle of close friends small and things are fine.

I loved seeing the lights at Christmas time.  Anyone else?  I still love to drive around looking at them.  We did this when the kids were little too.  We had a house a street over from our Parma house that we could walk to.  We stood and marveled at all of the pretty, blinking lights they had set up in the front and back yards.  I wonder if they still do that?

I saw this and had to post for my teacher friends.  After all these weeks if you're still teaching, you should earn lots of time off to recuperate!

Thank you to a dear friend, Jan Kessler for this sweet Thanksgiving Card.  I love it Jan!  Jan loves to build scenes in her cards.

Verse of the Day: So glad that Christ lives in me. I am new in HIM and so happy!
Image result for Galatians 2:20

Blessing of the Day: Eye is doing well, it's blurry but should clear up soon.

Please continue to pray for Tim. He continues to be burdened with work issues even being at home. He says his brain just can't shut down. Poor guy such stress isn't good for him or anyone.

Thank you for stopping by.

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