Saturday, November 5, 2016

This is Turn Your Clock Back Saturday

Well tonight is the night we turn back the clocks an hour.  So really it's midnight not 1 a.m.  I saw this picture and thought it was so pretty and I had to share.
This morning Tim called me to come and see two bucks fighting in the woods.  These are not them but I thought a  visual would be more pleasing than just writing about it.
Image result for two bucks fighting in woods
 This is my wonderful twin's recipe for Chicken Pot Pie.  It is just scrumptious!  I hope you don't mind me sharing this Annie.  I did add foil around the edges of my pie and it came out golden brown.

 Here is the card I made for the featured stamper this week on SCS. This is a very old set with the lights called, Border Buddies. It is long since retired, but I couldn't get rid of it because of these lights. I colored the lights with clear wink of stella to make them sparkle.

Verse of the Day: I just read this in my quiet time this week.  To know that I need to fully rely on God and ask for help because I'm weak. With God's help it's a whole lot easier.  I'm finding more and more that I am remembering to call on Jesus before I worry or take on things I don't need to.
Image result for 2 Corinthians 12:9

Isn't this cute?  This is my grandfather in the picture.  Sarah added the word bubbles years ago when she dabbled in scrapbooking.

These are moments from the 2016 Cleveland Indian's Games narrated by Tom Hamilton.  He has a most exciting voice to listen to.  It's a long video, but even if you listen for a minute or two, you get the idea why he's our favorite commentator.

Blessing of the Day: We helped Brianna and Sarah get home after getting a flat tire in their grocery store parking lot.  Brianna's car didn't come with a spare tire. Can you believe that?  She wasn't even offered one as an extra with her purchase.  She has a place for a spare tire in the trunk.  So she'll be getting a spare tire so if this happens again she'll be able to fix it and be on her way.  Her car did come with a small compressor and sealant container that we tried, but it didn't work.  The compressor gauge showed pressure in the tire increasing, but the tire pressure wasn't increasing.  We waited 10 minutes and nothing happened to the tire.

As it was, God was with us. Brianna renewed her AAA membership and a truck with the nicest driver was there in 15 minutes!  Tim and I praise God that the girls were safe.

Thank you for coming by today.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back.

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