Monday, May 8, 2017

Rain, Rain, Go Away..........

OOPS, I forgot to post this yesterday.
For Today: Sunday, May 7, 2017

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Looking out my window-I see dark, gray clouds, rain and blowing trees.  Another morning in paradise!

I am thinking-It's a great day to go back to bed and read or sleep!

I am thankful-that I have plenty to do inside to keep me busy.

One of my favorite things-eating popcorn that I've sprayed with butter while watching TV.

I am creating-another baby blanket. This one is light purple and white.

I am wearing-slippers, jeans and a sweatshirt.

I am watching-Castle from the beginning of the show. I haven't seen these in years.

I am hoping-this rain stops and I get more done tomorrow.

I am learning-that I am affected by the weather.

In my kitchen-Tim and I are doing more cooking together. I love it!

In the school room-I am writing Reading reports for teachers to use in conferences this coming week.

In my garden-There is a lot of mud right now. I can't enjoy my spring flowers with all this rain.

A picture I thought I'd share.  These are two of the papers that were folded up in a small jar filled with lots of others as a gift for me from Sarah.  I love this gift.  I put the papers back into the bottom of the jar. Then I pull out another one or two when I feel like it.  I feel so close and emotional when I open these up.
This is my kind of gift from my kids.  A gift from the heart that they made.

 John 6:35
Image result for John 6:35

If  you're a Christian, this is your go home to Heaven.  Chris Tomlin really has a way with words. Love his worship songs. I want to go home, where the streets are golden.

Blessing of the Day: I got some reading reports done.

Thanks for stopping by.

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