A Day We Will Never Forget.
Like the day John F. Kennedy was shot, everyone remembers where they were when they heard the unbelievably sad news about the towers. I was in my classroom stunned by what I was seeing. I wanted to get my kids and go home, but Tim said to stay calm and let's see what happens. That was the hardest day of teaching in my life. We couldn't share the tragedy with our students who were so young. We had to pretend that things were okay.
After 911, America came together like I've never seen before. People went back to church for comfort and anything God could give them. People helped strangers and felt good about it. There were no lines drawn due to race, color or creed. At that time we were all Americans, nothing more. That's how it should always be.
It's so sad that so many want to distract us from our purpose here on earth. God has a purpose for each and every one of us. Did you know that? You and I have a purpose. Everyone you see in your world, has a purpose for being here. No one is a mistake in God's eyes.
Billy Graham addressed the nation back then and calmed the storm in many people. He renewed our spirit and our commitment to each other and God. Take a look back at what he said.
Billy Graham addresses the nation here.
I'm praying that we will see America come together again to help those whose lives have been devastated by Harvey, Irma, the earthquake in Mexico and the fires in California. So many natural disasters. A friend and I were talking about these verses from the Bible.
Praying for those affected by 911. We will never forget.

This is the card that Jan had for us to make Saturday. What you don't see is that the bird moves and her eyes roll and have eyelashes! Loved it!
This is the card Jane had for us to make Saturday. Such a beautiful card. The background paper is pre-embossed and we just sponged it.
This is my card for Saturday's card making. I love the look of the sentiment on that punched shape. I think I'd sponge the shape red so it showed up more.
I thought this was the perfect song to end this post.
Blessing of the Day: Tim and I spent time together. I sold cards to some lady friends. I got inside messages stamped for many of my cards.
I found out my brother and his family are all safe in Florida! Praise God!
Thanks for stopping by,
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