Saturday, September 2, 2017

Fall, Flag, Fly, Funeral

As we come into September we see leaves beginning to change colors, and feel the temperature cooling off. Today I had to wear a sweatshirt, jeans and shoes!  I can't tell you the last time I had to wear shoes!

Summer is my favorite season of the year. I love the heat of the sun, the taste of strawberries, picking tomatoes off the vine, marveling in a garden that blooms effortlessly and beautifully. I love swimming or resting on a raft in the pool.  I'm spoiled because we have a heater. If the water is too cool, I just put the heater on for a few hours and just like that, it's warm and I'm happy!

I love bringing my indoor plants to the screened in porch for the summer. It is fun to watch them change and grow. Last year a few were so large, I had to change where I put them when they came back into the house!
 I loved seeing this on FB. Someone has taught this little one well, or posed this little girl.  I'd prefer to believe the first.

This is a mini pizza box that I made for a challenge on SCS.  My inspiration was the red card.
I've never done a shaker box before and it was fun. This is a cute, new box Stampin' Up is selling in the holiday catalog that went live, yesterday for customers.  This box is food safe and is 3" x 3". You could put a cookie in it, a gift card or candy perhaps?

This card is from Friday's challenge which was to use birds or things that fly on your card. I just love these little guys. These two stamp sets have been fun to work with. They are from, Gerda Steiner Designs. One is called Hoppiness and the other is called All Cats.

This is the second paint pouring canvas that I made at Pat Catans using light pink, blue and purple.

This is the first pour paint canvas I made with light blue, purple and glitter gold.

Verse of the Day 1 John 4:18
Image result for 1 John 4:18

Give this a listen. It's by Colton Dixon.

I don't usually put two songs on a post but today is a special song for my father's best friend, named Dan.  His funeral was today and this was the last song they played as the casket was wheeled out.
For you Dan, thank you for being my dad's best friend. You did so much for him.  This is Danny Boy with beautiful pictures of Ireland. Enjoy being in heaven with our Heavenly Father and my Father, Bill.

Blessing of the Day: Brianna and Sarah came over for a picnic dinner and to watch a movie.
I got to help Jan organize her stamping things. Today we stamped ink samples on printed cards for each company she owns. We then put them in pocket sheets so she has a reference of what the colors look like.

Thank you for stopping by.

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...