Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day 2017

Happy Labor Day 2017!
Today I slept in, got some lunch then went swimming in our pool. It was breezy but nice and sunny. I got to see The Blue Angels jets fly overhead for the air show in downtown Cleveland. We have a heater with our pool so we can leave our pool open longer than others.  Our neighbors always close their pool Labor Day weekend.  Just like clock work, they did.

This is my challenge card for Clean and Simple challenge today. It was something western.

This card and envelope was for the technique challenge. You had to make a card that you could duplicate easily and quickly. Take 5-10 minutes to make the card.  Tranquil Tulips is what I used.

Tuesdays color challenge was up early so I made my card for it.  Daisy Delight was used for this card. Karen challenged us to use pool party, peek-a-boo peach, and black. For dessert add green.
I stamped the daisies, punched them out then cut them in half. I doubled them up and added a black circle. I cut wasabi paper for a stem. I stamped then fussy cut the leaves.

Once again God brought another helpful text to me. 

Verse of the Day:
Related image

Blessing of the Day: We heard from John as he continues to make progress from his open heart surgery.  I got to see Mom yesterday. Tim and I enjoyed a quiet day at home today.

Thanks for stopping by.

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