Monday, January 29, 2018

Sick And Going To The Beach

It's been a long time since I've posted. I've been sick since Wednesday. It started as sinus drainage, then a cough, then an earache, then a fever. Oh my, what a week. So I've been sleeping in chairs, couches, anywhere I can be without coughing.
Saw the nurse practitioner yesterday. I got an antibiotic for my ear infection and pills for my dry cough.
I let Tim know how my appt. went as he was at his Dad's for lunch.
Interesting how the idea that with medication comes healing. (instant) 
Still feel crummy but my ear is better. Any moms, wives out there knows, If you are wearing clothes, not PJ's you're fine. LOL
sick cat GIF

Here's a picture of  a warm-weather beach. It's similar to where I was in Mexico. You sit under a little grass umbrella, drink sweet concoctions, and enjoy the gentle breezes that come your way.  This is where I'm pretending to be right now.  The only thing I need is the sound of the ocean hitting the sand.
  Ahhhhhhhh, that's better.  It's worth a try. You get tired of laying around without the energy to do what you want to do. 
I have been reading and re-reading this. It seems many of us focus on how things look and not on what God says He's going to do.  
So, if instead of focusing on how tough work is for Tim right now, and focus on what God says.
We easily get distracted and stressed by what IS, instead of knowing God's right there is is helping each step of the way.
Every day brings new mercies from God. A day of love and promise from our Lord himself.
This is a card I made, Thursday combining three challenges. Tuesday challenge was using red, white and silver. The sketch is Wednesday's challenge. Thursday's challenge was to use something you haven't used in a long time. I used my spritzer tool to add red speckles around the image.
This is the card that was my inspiration for Saturday's challenge.
Large Hearts- Madras Patchwork-Red, White, & Blue
This is my card.

Verse of the Day:
This is one of the verses Tim and I had on our wedding invitations.
Image result for Romans 3:20

I found this uplifting today as I recoup. I hope it helps you too.
Toby Mac sings, Undeniable.

Blessing of the Day: I'm up and around. Tim's at work. God's in us working His plan.
Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Husband, Prayers, Date Night

I've been married to the love of my life for 24 1/2 years. I saw this and want to make sure he gets it. I think sometimes we take our spouse for granted. We think they know we love them. We need to show them as well as tell them.  I make greeting cards and it's been a long, long time since I gave him a card without a holiday or birthday attached to it.  I'm going to give this to him in a card, so he has something to look at and remind himself what I think of him.

  Sometimes the evil one can beat us down with all of his lies. God's presence must be felt and having something you can see and hold will help to dissolve the lies.  I thank God for bringing this to my attention. I can't wait to surprise Tim with this and a card that tells him how much he's loved.
This is something I gave to Tim to help him with stress at work.  He's had a terrible time at his new job. He has a boss that doesn't believe in him yet. The boss listens to the person who has been doing computer stuff for 7 years.  
Tim's walked into a place that has been put together like a house of cards that will fall at any moment. Tim's trying to build a structure that will stand the test of time, but he's meeting with resistance from the computer guy who has been there, and his boss who is listening to the computer guy who has been there.
God is faithful and is there helping Tim. Fighting this battle for 2 1/2 months has been wearing Tim down. He doesn't understand why they hired him if they are going to let the computer guy they had run things. Tim was told he'd run things. He has the credentials to do just that.

This is the card that I used for my inspiration for my card. I used the same colors and layout. I changed the stamp set and sentiment.
Here's my card which was made with my favorite stamp set, Painted Harvest.  Hugs is a sentiment that is a die. I love it! I can use it for so many types of cards.

Verse of the Day:
Image result for 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

This is a song by Tenth Avenue North called, Control. It's new to me. I hope you like it.

Blessings of the Day: Tim and I had date night. We saw a movie and went to a favorite spot for dinner. It was a great time.

Thank you for stopping by.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

I Just Need You

                                      What a fun day I had today. I began my day with my friend, Louise. She had 4 cards for us to make today. One of the cards was a Valentine's Day wiper card. A wiper card is a card that when pulled, it flips up a fun image for all to see. In this card it's balloons.

We had a great time. One type of card we made was the wiper card. I am going to try to make some Valentine's Day cards using this technique.

                                                Image result for wiper card instructions

Sarah and I went to Chipolte for lunch. We both love eating there.  After I made cards with Louise, I picked Sarah up at her place. I couldn't be on her side of town and not see if she wanted to go to lunch.  Sarah lives 5 minutes from Louise.

Image result for chipotle
I saw this online and it really made me think.  We choose how we respond to things unless we have some sort of illness that doesn't allow us the ability to do that.  The enemy loves the gray, feel sorry for yourself days. He can get a foothold and make us miserable and less effective for God.  So I'm going to make my own sunshine and trust in Jesus to bring me through anything that's going on in my life.  How about you?
This is a color challenge card. The colors were Bermuda Bay, Daffodil Delight and Melon Mambo. I stamped these cutie pies then colored the hats with different colored markers. Then I colored on the confetti stamp with markers to make the confetti different colors.  It's been a while since I've colored on stamps.

This is the sketch challenge. Where the hearts are we could use any shape. I chose hearts so I could make this a Valentine's Day card.  Then I colored some of the embossed hearts with marker. I then folded forward the arms and ears of the bears. I need to add a sentiment and it will be finished.

Verse of the Day
Image result for James 4:1-3

This is a brand new song by Toby Mac. It's been three years since we've heard new music from Toby Mac. Give this a listen. Words to song are below.

 Toby Mac- I Just Need U

Blessing of the Day: Stamping with Louise, Lunch with Sarah and Tim is still working.
Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Finished, Pandas, Mom

Sometimes in January once the decorations are put away, it becomes quiet and we become unmotivated to do things. I'm that way. I've had to push myself to make at least one card a day. When I came across this I knew I had to share. If I'm feeling this way, maybe others are too. We cannot listen to the enemy when he tells us lies. We are God's child, protected by Him. We need to remember if He is for us who can be against us!  When Satan starts whispering his lies, tell him, "It is finished!" "God is my Father and you have no hold on me." "I won't listen to your lies."
I chuckled at this post on FB. Our cats felt the same way. They were out on the screened in porch one day and inside the next.
This is Sedona, Arizona. We visited here and thought it was one of prettiest places. The rocks were so colorful with all their lovely shapes. We never visited when there was snow.

This is the inspiration for my card today. 

I changed the layout and colors. I used hearts as balloons so this could be a Valentine.  This was fun to make. With the heart framelits and a heart punch it went quickly.

Visited Mom today. It's amazing how far she's come since her stroke Feb. 15th of last year. She eats normally, gets around in a wheelchair or walker. Gets to the bathroom with wheelchair or walker. She dresses and undresses herself. She also gets in and out of bed on her own.
Her therapy has really paid off.
She is happy at the nursing home and has gotten used to it. She no longer talks about going home. She feels comfortable there and safe. She seems happy and healthy. That's all you can ask, right?

Like our kids, we want Mom to be happy and healthy with a good quality of life. Living in the nursing home has kept her socializing and stimulated by all of the activity around her.  If she were at home, she'd be by herself with visits from my nephew who lives there also.

Verse of the Day: Amos 5:24
Image result for Amos 5:24

This song is new to me. It's called, The Very Next Thing, by Casting Crowns. Give it a listen. It will get you thinking about the next thing you can do on your journey with God. We all have a purpose you know.

Blessing of the Day: I got to see Mom. I had lunch with her. She seemed good. She carried on a conversation with me. After about an hour and a half she was ready for a nap. She does so well doing for herself. It's interesting how roles reverse as we age. I kissed her goodbye as she went for her nap. How many times did she kiss me before my naps? Sweet times for sure.

We also got to see Ben and Rachel. They stopped by after their youth group activity nearby. It was so nice to see them. Ben's been working a lot of hours since he's not at school until later in January.

So many blessings each day. Thank you Lord for all the bounties you bless us with.

Thank you for visiting.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Cactus, Giraffe, Little Things

Here is one of the plants that's flowering in my plant room. It's a kalanchoe. It has pink blooms. I love checking it daily to see how much more beautiful it is.
 Here is one of my Christmas Cactus plants.  This is the second time it's bloomed.

 This is my card for Tuesday's color challenge. The colors were berry burst, daffodil delight, pool party and old olive.

This is my card for today's sketch challenge. It is a new stamp from Impression Obsession called Baby Giraffe. I can't wait to play around with it some more. It was designed by Dina Kowal, who is the artist who does tutorials on Splitcoaststampers.

 This spoke to me today. In January many people tend to feel blah and don't want to do much. This is the time we need to be aware of others around us. It's not about us but shining Christ's light into the darkness all around us.

1 Corinthians 1:10
Image result for 1 Corinthians 1:10
This is a great song from Casting Crowns. We need to praise God in the storm and in the sunshine of our life. He is great and worthy to be praised! I hope this song gives you strength to shine your light for Jesus.

Blessing of the Day: I got errands done today, got a nap, got a few treats for Tim and made a card. Tim had a pretty good day at work and really asserted himself. I can't wait to see what God does through him at work.

Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Simple Woman's Daybook for January 9, 2018

For Today, Tuesday January 9, 2018
This is where it all began.

Looking out my window it's dark except for the colorful Christmas lights twinkling up and down the street.

I am thinking that even though Christmas is over, it's still nice to see so many people put their lights on at night.

I am thankful that Tim made it through another day at work. I'm praying for him with all the stress he has at work.

One of my favorite things is sitting with a cup of coffee looking at pretty multi-colored lights in a dark room.

I take down my Christmas decorations with help from Sarah, then we put the Snowmen up.

I am creating cards for The South Carolina Juvenile Justice System. The cards I've sent has inspired kids to want to make their own. Kids are also completing homework to be able to pick a card to send to someone. God is so good. 

I am wearing warm socks, tennis shoes, jeans and a sweatshirt.

I am reading The Family of Jesus by Karen Kingsbury. It was researched using many sources then some fiction added to that. It's been an interesting read so far. So many times when I read her books, I can't put them down!  My father-in-law brought it to my attention. Go figure.

I am hoping it warms up and we see the sun again soon. Here in the Cleveland area, we don't get much sun in the winter.

I am learning how to add watermarks to my images again with a new FREE program called Pixlr.

In my kitchen I made my chili which we eat over angel hair spaghetti. Love, love, love the chili the second day! That's tomorrow, can't wait. I saw some chili recipes with corn in them. Do you make yours with corn? When the kids were home we'd eat chili with taco chips. Sure miss that. Maybe tomorrow I'll get some.
Image result for chili

In the stamp room things are a bit messy. I've cleaned up a bit after this morning's card. I usually can't stand it very long and it's cleaned so I can begin another project.
In my indoor plant room Christmas Cactus plants are blooming again. The kalanchoe is blooming. My plants sit in the east window which they love.
 Image result for kalanchoe

Board room I'm pinning Waterfront examples. It is one of Stampin' Up's new stamp sets from their Spring Occasions catalog. This is my sample but I'm looking for others.
Shared Quote- Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all you ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.~Proverbs 3:5-6

A moment from my day-This is baby Chloe. She's a munchkin cat. Her legs are shorter than the average cat. She's a cuddler. She wants to be around people. She follows Tim around like a dog would. This breed of cats is great for kids.

Blessing of the Day- Tim and I spent time together talking tonight. My Bible reading reassured me to trust in God, with God on my side, who can win against me.  I was reassured that God is by my side all the time.

I am praying for Tim at his job and for my sister who is a nurse. She is interviewing for a nursing position working as a cancer navigator. I'm not sure what that is, but I think it's someone who works with patient and family to help with the in's and out's of what's needed.

Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

One Week In The Books For January

Saturday I got help from Sarah Annie and we took the Christmas decorations down. It's so sad to me. I love the lights. I love sitting in the family room with just the tree lights on. I got over taking that stuff down because we put up my snowman stuff.  Sarah's a lot of fun. She puts things where they HAVE to be. Where they've been year to year. I don't care where things go, but she does.
This is the January page of my calendar from Tim. Each year he puts together a beautiful calendar for me. He knows I love pictures of the kids when they were little.
 I was working on cards and had some help from Miss Phoebe.  She's a very affectionate cat. She jumps up on my desk and finds the lamp and lays down to be petted.
 We celebrated Tim's birthday. This is a bag a gift came in. Phoebe loves bags or boxes like this. Isn't she cute?

Chloe and Phoebe always keep us amused. Here's video of Chloe coming out of the cabinet.

 Here's my little pine tree. It's several years old. I have to look back and see how little this was when I brought it home.
This is my card for Free 4 All and MIX challenge. I needed to use stripes for one challenge and silver, gold and something new.  This is Hold on to Hope, which is new from SU.
 This is a card for the featured stamper today.  The card with the foxes was my inspiration.
 This pink card was for the Inspiration challenge. My inspiration was this bathroom with black and white tile and pink flowers.

Verse of the Day: 1 Timothy 6:11
Image result for 1 Timothy 6:11

Check out this new song by Austin French, called, Freedom Hymn.

Blessing of the Day: A day of rest, well needed. Thank you Lord for being here with me.

Thank you for stopping by.

Cards from Last Month's Classes

  Card 1 -   Fancy Window Card- Connie Stewart Video Link Stamps -  Painted Lavender AC p. Paper - Blackberry Bliss Base 3 7/8” x 11” 2 ...