Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Cats, Crocheting, Cards and Christ

With kids gone out on their own, what we have left is our cats. Sometimes I just can't resist taking pictures of their antics.  Here is Chloe in the laundry basket. It is left standing up, then she knocks it over and goes to sleep in it. Isn't she cute in there?

This is a basket that I use for my yarn and projects. I had just removed the yarn from a finished project and as I turned around, I found Chloe, once again inside.  She loves to curl up in baskets.

Phoebe prefers the soft, fluffy blanket for sleeping. While Chloe just wants to be inside of something.

I emptied a box of envelopes today and guess who decided she needed to give it a try. She's a bit big for this box, however she didn't stop here.

 She curled her self around and around until she was laying down. I told her I thought she was a bit big for this box. However, who likes to be told they are too big for something? No ladies that I know!
I guess it's the same way for cats. LOL

Here is the last block afghan I will make unless I find places other than Pat Catan's to donate them to. We found out last week that all Pat Catans will close. A few will be reopened as Michael's Stores.
Here is a scarf I made. I liked the colors in this skein of yarn. It was variegated with beige, red, black and white.

This is one of the cards that went to South Carolina. I finally got this stamp set to work for me. This type of stamp is called, Dist-ink-tive, from Stampin' Up. It layers the ink to make it look more real. You need a slightly dry ink pad to get good results.

This is a card that we will be making in this month's card class.. It makes me think of Spring, and I am so ready for that.

Verse of the Day: Romans 12: 3-5
Image result for Romans 12:3-5

This is a new song for Newsboys. Peter Furler, a former member of the band, joined them for a tour. They recorded this and  it's a great song. You can hear each lead singer singing in different parts.

Blessing of the Day: Tim began working on the laundry room today.  I got my cards ready for my friend who will visit tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.

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