Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Simple Woman's Daybook for March 26, 2020

For Today, March 26th, 2020
Home Of The Daybook
Here's where it all began.

Looking out my window we saw turkeys again walking through the backyard.  I think they were heading to the bird feeders. Something scared them and they started running.  Tim said, "Fly turkeys, you know how!"

Eastern wild Turkey - Windigo Images Photography

I am thinking that I'm thankful to be able to sit outside in this warmer weather. It makes such a difference to be able to sit on the patio now that we're home so much.

I am thankful that I have plenty to do here. Not bored at all.

One of my favorite things trying new techniques while card making.

I am creating a baby blanket. I love to crochet while watching TV with Tim. It makes me feel like I'm not wasting time just watching TV. It also helps me to not eat while watching TV.

I am wearing jeans, short sleeves, shoes and socks.

I just finished reading an Amish fiction book called, A cousin's Prayer.  I found that during this stressful time with the worries of Corona Virus, this was a great way to escape for a while each day. A Cousin's Prayer (Indiana Cousins): Wanda E. Brunstetter ...

I am hoping that people will continue to stay home unless essentials are needed.

I am learning that it all depends on how you look at this time. It can be the worst time of 2020 to be stuck at home. Or it can be a true blessing to be able to stay home and do the things you've wanted to do but didn't have the time to do them.  I'm treating it like a staycation and doing what I'd like each day.

In my kitchen, the smell of sausage lingers in the air.  Tim cooked ground sausage and had it with tacos. I had it in my salad. It was a nice change from ground turkey.

In the school room, we're getting to see more and more parents beginning to see how difficult the life of a teacher is. They have one advantage, they are their kids.  Though that may be a big disadvantage.

In my garden, hyacinths and onions are coming up along with daffodils.
 The onions are behind the yellow hyacinths. Our development was farmland at one time. Our house is on what used to be the onion field. We have onions from Spring through Summer in lots of different places in the yard.

Here is the inspiration for my card. 

I changed the colors to blue and yellow. I liked the three bunnies horizontal. to follow the vertical strip on the card I changed it to 3 animals vertical. I changed the sharp, square shapes to rounded shapes for dsp. I kept it an Easter card, I kept the layered circles and colored dot.

I just had to share the paper towels that we got at Heinens, Tuesday. How far back in the warehouse do you think they had to go to find these?

Post Script: I saw this on FB and had to share. I hope you get a chuckle from it.

A moment from my day. Phoebe loves being out on the back porch, especially in the sun.
 We had a wonderful time today with temps almost at 60. We watched the cats and birds. We had a beautiful, male cardinal nearby but he didn't stay to have his picture taken.

Verse of the Day: Isaiah 52:7
No photo description available.

Here's another song by Lauren Daigle. Give it a listen.

Blessings of the Day: Tim and I are still healthy. Tim got more work done on the master bath. I finished a book. We both got to sit outside and enjoy God's creations.

Thanks for stopping by.

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