Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter 2020-We'll Always Remember This One!

Easter Sunday was different from Every Easter we've ever celebrated.  We observed the quarantine rules and stayed home.
We did however, spend family time speaking to siblings via ZOOM.  It was great to see siblings and their spouses for over an hour. That's something we don't normally do so it was a wonderful gift from Ben.
Ben has a membership to Zoom for his Youth Ministry. He allowed us to use a meeting place he had set up for us.  Thanks Ben.

During our call, Ben hopped on with his two foster girls to introduce them to the family.  The kids were bashful, but that didn't last long. Think of any kid you know.  They showed off until Ben said it was nap time for the little one.

 I just got these in the mail today. Brought tears to my eyes because, 1-I couldn't hold and hug them yesterday, and 2-They will be going back to live with their parents full time very soon. They've stolen my heart and it's so hard to let them go. Foster grands are loved like your own grandchildren. You love them while you have them!
Another first in my life. Brianna, Zoey, Kaelynn and I played Sorry via Zoom! Ben helped by showing us our cards, then moving our pieces.
The game has changed a bit as far as how to leave home and what to do on certain cards. It also has only 3 game pieces instead of 4. You'd think that would make it more fun to play, you know, shorter. That is NOT true. It's still like Candyland, in that each time someone is about to win, they are sent back to home and have to start again.
I have to say it brought back lots of memories of playing board games with my kids. That part, was fun! Thanks Ben Craig, it was a fun idea!
Image may contain: shoes

With all of the stress of the COVID virus, I thought I'd add some relaxing sounds of the beach.  Close your eyes and concentrate on the sounds as they soothe away the stress you feel.
MyrtleBeach.com - The Fun-Official Guide to Myrtle Beach!

Here are some cards I've been working on this past week.  These will be going to nursing home residents to let them know they are not forgotten. I love doing this kind of stuff.

 Isn't this the cutest little thing? I saw one with a mask on a piggy, so I made one with this raccoon.
 This is another finished afghan. I wanted it to have bright colors. It is for a child from Laura's Home. This is a shelter for kids and moms who have been abused.

 Verse of the Day:John 8:31-32

John 8:31-53 – Calvary Chapel Dayton (Beavercreek), Ohio; non ...

Blessing of the Day: Tim continues to work on the plumbing in the master bath. I got some cleaning done that I had been putting off. I finished my book as well.

Thanks for stopping by,

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Three Card Making Opportunities

Hey Everybody, We now have opportunities to donate cards to three different facilities 1. Southwest General Hospital -Cards are placed on m...