Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day To Honor and Remember

In honor of those who lost their lives while serving our country, I would like to share with you the opening remarks of President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 Memorial Day speech at Arlington National Cemetery:

 "Today is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It’s a day of thanks for the valor of others, a day to remember the splendor of America and those of her children who rest in this cemetery and others. It’s a day to be with the family and remember... Thank all of you, and God bless you, and have a day full of memories."
Thank you to all of you who have served or had loved ones who have served and paid the price for our freedom.  May God continue to bless you and your families.

Today Tim's dad came over to show us his car and cook out with us.  He has a tiny Toyota but I can't find a  picture of it online.  Anyway Tim drove it and so did I with Grandpa in the seat next to us.  He's had it about 10 days so far and is tickled with it.  This is only his 2nd new car in his life.  So glad he can enjoy it.

We had a great cookout with lots of good food from the grill.  Yum, enjoyed it so much knowing that Dad was totally enjoying himself.  He told us he has a lunch date with two women Thursday!  We played into his hand and asked about it.  He smiled and said it was two ladies he and Mom used to go to lunch with from church.  So glad to see that he is getting out and also kidding about these ladies. 1 is married and the other one always has some sort of malady, so I'm sure he won't get involved with either of them.  After Grandpa left some of us took a nap as the food and coffee made us tired.......what a life huh?

I made a card today for the Technique lovers challenge where you had to distress you card in some way.

I'll leave you with a video called God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood.
Thank you for taking time to stop by today.
Today's blessing:Lunch with Tim's Dad

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