Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I'm Learning to say......Whatever.......and not stress

Today I finished a card for the SCS color challenge. We were to use, blushing bride, certainly celery and soft suede. We were also to add paper piecing to our card. Paper piecing is where you stamp the image once on cardstock then once on designer paper, then cut it out and glue it to the image.
Here's the card I made. Isn't this Inky Antics turtle the cutest?

Today at work we finally go boxes to begin packing our rooms.  We have 5 school days left.  We got 16 boxes each and are sharing 2 tape dispensers between 8 classrooms.  Make sense to you?
I'm bringing one from home tomorrow.  I'm hoping I can get the things I have into the boxes we were given. I have been collecting boxes from the custodian as well. (experience in moving before told me to do this)

They are going to have the building open this Saturday so we can pack and get our personal things home.
They want us to pack up our own things and take them home.  Then in August, they want us to bring them back...................They don't want the movers moving them.  I didn't see mover in my contract.

We had Bible Study tonight and finished 1 Peter.  We'll be starting Ephesians in two weeks.
I'm praying that it cools off.  In our classroom it was so hot that sweat dripped off of us when we were sitting still.  We had 4 fans going but they can only do so much with small windows and no cross ventilation.

Time to get some sleep.
Blessing of the Day.....Got my order for work done.
Thanks for stopping by.

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