Monday, May 21, 2012

A Dear Friend Visits, Panera, and my Assistant Stays, All in One Day

Here is a great reminder of the God we serve........Listen to Chris Tomlin sing, Take My Life. This is my prayer that God will use me and I will be available to him to be used.  When I die I want to be used up serving the King.

I had a good day at work. What does that mean? No headache!! It's stressful but I have to tell you, today was laid back. I found out my assistant Patti WILL be working with me. Praise God! This is what we've wanted but prayed for God's will in this. I was so happy at work I didn't feel like working. I just wanted to do the happy dance!
I was busy with the technique challenge on splitcoaststampers.  today's challenge was to use a brayer.  Here's my card.  I took Michelle Zindorf's brayer class several years ago but wasn't sure I could do another card.  I looked at a sample of one I did for my husband when the brayer techniques were fresh in my mind.  Here's what I came up with.
I got to spend time with my dearest friend Val today.  We went to Panera Bread for dinner, caught up on our lives. (It's been about 5 months since we've visited each other.)  We then looked through the SU catalog.  What a GREAT time!
  Val was my upline for Stampin' Up.  I signed up in 2005 so we've known each other for 7 years now.  Our two sons were in Kindergarten together.  However, we didn't connect until later in their lives.  Her son didn't attend the same school after Kindergarten.
  God brought us together in the most interesting way.  I wanted to be a demo, so I looked for someone nearby to sign up under.  She was the first one to get back to me so we set up a time to meet at her house.  I was taking my kids with me to meet her.  As I was driving there I was asking myself if this was a smart thing to a cold call, going to someone's house that I didn't know with my kids...............
  When I got out of the van with the kids she said she recognized Ben and so did her son.  They remembered him from Kindergarten.  What are the chance of that happening?  She told me she too had had second thoughts about letting me come to her house.  Not only did God give me an experienced, loving upline, he also gave me a sister in Christ!  More than I could possibly imagine, was what I was given in her.
  We'd always spend time together when we first got our catalogs.  We'd laugh and look through them and oooooo, and ahhhhhh page by page!

I came across this today and thought it was a great reminder of who I belong to.  I am truly a daughter of THE King.......amazing but true.  I have to remember this next time I feel down.  There's no greater gift than the one Christ gave to me and you.

Blessing of the day.....My father in law leased a car!  Now he will be driving something that is safe and won't break down.  Praise God!
Thanks for stopping by.
Blessings to you and yours.


1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

Loved reading your story about meeting your upline. It's awesome how God puts people in our lives! I'm happy that you get to keep Patti as your assistant. Counting down the days till school is out???

Cards With Scraps

 Hey Everybody, I've been busy teaching classes this week and making birthday cards for kids.  A friend gave me this cute kid paper so I...