Tuesday, May 22, 2012

9 More Wake Ups Until Summer Vacation!

Okay, we're now down to single digits for days of school. HI Hope, I just wanted to make sure you were part of the fun of counting down the days. hee-hee-hee. I am still calm with moving things. Boxes come Thursday and we'll begin to pack then and every day after that. I've begun to go around the room and put sticky notes on things with directions of what to pack and label. That way anyone of us can pack without stress and lots of direction. I got to make a card for the color challenge today. It was a farewell to the 5 retiring colors. Here's my card.

I also saw that the sketch challenge was posted so I did a card for that tonight.  Here that is. Isn't this just the cutest little guy?

We are getting a new Honda Civic this week sometime.  Tim's car was 14 years old so we thought it was time to get a new car.  The deal he got was 1,000 dollars below dealer cost.  So we will get a burgundy civic soon. Tim's so excited that he'll have a new car to drive.
Thanks for visiting.  Blessing from today:Tim got a car and this is the second day in a row that I didn't have a headache! Praise God!


Emily Thubbron said...

Thank you for letting me see that combining my crafting and faith will work together on my blog. I was worried that it wouldn't. I just started designing for Queen Kat Designs and knew that lots of newbies would be checking out my blog. I was worried that it wouldn't flow well together. Thanks again for allowing God to use you to inspire someone else. God bless you.

The infamous "Hope" in your posts!!!! said...

Hey thanks for including me in the fun of counting down till school's out. I, on the other hand, can't wait to start MY countdown as to when SCHOOL STARTS. Turn about is fair play, my friend!!! Truthfully I enjoy your countdown because it just means that "SISTER WEEK" is around the corner. Maybe next year the two PA sisters will invade OHIO for a week. Think Ohio will survive??? Good luck with all you need to take care of before the end of school. I'm praying that the students cooperate and it isn't too stressful for you guys!!!!

March Class Follow-Up

  Hey Everybody, Thank you once again for another fun-filled and learning-filled week of classes.  I have Friday's class this week since...