Saturday, May 26, 2012

Go Where God Leads

Have you ever had a time where you felt a nudge to do something and ignored it? I have and always I've felt guilty for not doing what the nudge wanted me to do. So in a conversation with Tim about what to do with his 14 year old car, he said he'd been feeling we need to give it to someone, did I know someone? I sure did, I called this gal and she started to cry and said she felt like she'd won the lottery. It's apparently better than what she has to drive. I'm so glad that Tim followed where he was led and gave a pretty good car to a single mom. God is amazing and worked things out for Tim to get a new car, so he wanted to make his car a gift as well.

I got an unexpected surprise, yesterday we looked at Vans since they were running a big sale on them at Honda.  Well, I got a new van because leasing it made it possible to do it.  We can lease both cars and get something new in 3 years.  We won't have to worry about huge repair bills and having an old car.  We won't have to keep saving large amounts for a new car.  We decided it was time to begin doing this so we'd both have reliable transportation.  The van was 8 years old and badly in need of tires......$600 easily.  So here's what I got.  When I'm up close to it the back reminds me of a hearse.......I've got to get that thought out of my mind. LOL  Today on the way to the Honda dealership, I was driving next to a hearse. What a creepy feeling.  I've never done that before, have you?
 Here's the only card I've made in the last few days.  This was for the SCS inspiration challenge.  I made this for my sister who lost her ex-husband this week to cancer.  What a sad, sad, thing.  She had actually gotten over him leaving and made friends with him and his new wife.  They spent time together like dinner etc.  I can't see me doing that.
I was looking through Joann's online and found this stamp.  It made me laugh cuz it's me right now!  Especially loved the one, All my secrets are safe with my friends, because they can't remember them either!

Today was a weird day.  I got up at 6 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.  I felt drugged all day.  I had to get some things done and I got them done slowly.
  Only 6 more days and we can order from the new Stampin' Up catalog!  Wooot!  I can't wait.

Our district is allowing schools to be open Saturday, June 2nd so staff can get some things packed so we can move.  Interesting, I bet it's because so many people are moving this year.

Tonight Sarah and I walked for about 10 minutes in the park.  I need to walk again and so does she.  After about 10 minutes I didn't feel very well so we turned around.  Okay now, just too hot for me I guess. It was good for both of us.  I liked the flat area to walk on.  Around here we have a large hill to climb.

Thanks for stopping by.  I'm on my way to getting cards ready for a sale on Father's Day at church.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

What a blessing Tim gave to the single mom! ... Enjoy your van. It's comforting to know you've got reliable transportation - even if it reminds you of a hearse. ... Your card is simple and lovely. I'm sure your sister will appreciate it. ... Bradley woke me up at 5:38 am this morning! He's now fast asleep again and I'm WIDE awake. Hope he doesn't do that to me all summer.

March Class Follow-Up

  Hey Everybody, Thank you once again for another fun-filled and learning-filled week of classes.  I have Friday's class this week since...