Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Can't Believe What I Learn......

I can't believe what I learn when I read my son's blog.  Although he hasn't written often, it's amazing when he does write.  Such food for thought and from a 17 year old. Here are the last two entries:

THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2012
Nothing Without Him
I was reading through my devo book a couple of days ago and came across something that I felt was worth while noting here. It starts with a story.

There was a man, about mid twenty whom although he didn’t have the experience of many of the elders of the church had the knowledge and fire for God. One day he was asked a simple question, one that you may even ask some of your friends or accountability partners. It was simply this, what has God been teaching you in your readings and time with him? He responded, “Only one thing: that I can do nothing apart from him.” The elder than asked, “Do you really mean that you can do nothing?” The young man responded by saying, “Well, no, Of course I can do many things! In fact that is just been my trouble. I know I am able to do a lot of things well.” “Then what exactly do you mean when you say you can do nothing apart from him,” the elder responded. Finally the man responded, “The Lord has shown me that I can do anything but that he has also said that apart from me you can do nothing. Confusing but it comes down to this, that anything I can and anything that I do apart from him is nothing!”

The overwhelming fact of the matter is that when Adam ate of the fruit this world feel into sin but it was much more than that. What happened that day was that the human soul became over developed. You might be going, “That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense Ben,” but stay with me for a moment. When sin entered this world man was no longer perfect and connected with God, he had the opportunity to choose his own wants and needs over the wants and needs of our heavenly father. As humans, we can go to the ends of the earth, we can build churches, and found missions, but if it is done apart from God it is tainted with the flesh and is therefore empty and nothing. However, if we do it through Christ, and pray for his blessing and his use we are no longer doing the things under our own power or through our own abilities but through Christ who can do all things.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV

Use your gifts to bring honor and glory to God and to further God’s kingdom. Remember, anything done under your own power is fruitless and results in nothing, but those things done through Christ’s power will bear fruit and be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2012
What Helps You?
Wow, it has been so long but this time I am for real. I am making a comeback because I have realized that I could touch so many lives by just taking ten minutes out of each of my days. So here goes, and I want some feedback from all of you. What helps you when you seem to get into a spiritual rut? Everyone has something different I know because I have talked to a lot of different people. For me, it's just taking some time to play my guitar and worship. By worship I don't mean just singing, although that happens sometimes, but I mean just being in awe of him again. Sometimes I can find it so hard to just sit and be in awe, or in my daily life just remember who I am on this earth to serve. For me, just playing music brings me back to that point where I can truly worship him. For others that I have talked to they have said that reading a certain passage of scripture or going to a certain place always helps. While in the end each of us should strive to daily live passionately and devoted to Christ, the reality is that this doesn't always happen. People have lives, school, work, kids, friends, that all take a front seat and put God in the back seat. So I guess the question is, who is driving your car? If it isn't God are you willing to put your foot on the brake, stop driving the wrong way, and let him take over? I am going to leave you with this, a verse from Isaiah.

The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
Isaiah 58:11 NIV

Walk in the ways of the Lord always my brothers and sisters in Christ, and never lose focus on the one who has saved you and will love you forever.

I have to say that it makes me cry to see what this young man has to offer the world.  He teaches Jr. High students and is so passionate about what he teaches.  I did cry a bit to read his words.  Thank you God for allowing me a peek into my son's world.

Not sure if he'll be posting again soon, but Ben's blog is listed on my blog.  It's called, My Light, My Life.
Thanks for checking out the latest Ben has to offer.

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