Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What An Exhausting Two Days

The past two days of vacation have seemed like a whirlwind! Yesterday I was up so early and ended up going to sleep at 9 p.m. I never do that. I am up to the wee hours of the morning doing something. This morning I got up early and went to a dr. appt. downtown.

 When I got back the kids and I went to help a woman who has terrible arthritis, clean out gutters of her trailer and clean all the leaves out of her patio. There were tons of leaves. I think she took 4 big black bags to the dumpster that they have. I asked the kids to help out this woman. She told me Friday at Card Ministry that she has been looking for someone to do this for her for a while. She said she'd even pay them. I told her we could do this but not for pay. (She's on disability and we saw a need that we could do something about.) Anyway, we went to her trailer and worked for about an hour and a half in the heat and accomplished our task.

 We got lunch on the way home then Tim, Ben and I went to my classroom at school and took the furniture out of my old room and took it to the room downstairs that I will have next year. What a HUGE job. Our custodian never could have done it alone and I'm glad that Tim and Ben could do that for me. We also emptied my old classroom of all the boxes. We got some of them downstairs, but after an hour and a half the guys were really tired and we had to leave.

 I was so tempted to stay home from Bible Study tonight, but oh so glad we didn't. We're always blessed when we do what we need to do instead of what we want to do. Now I'm ready to crash.....tomorrow Tim is taking the kids and his Dad to the zoo. I can't do all that walking and standing so I'll be at home stamping, sleeping or whatever I'd like to do in a quiet house! Here are some things I found
recently that I'd like to share.

To think that God is with me and rejoicing over me with singing is an amazing thought to me. He takes great DELIGHT in me.  In me?  Yup, things like this are so hard for me to believe.  As much as I sin and disappoint God, He's right here all the time with me, never leaving me.
God knows everything about me.  I can't hide a thing.  I am amazed in spite of knowing all He knows about me, he still chooses to love me and guide me to do what He needs me to do.  Why does he continue to use me? That's a mystery to me and probably a  question I'll have for Him in heaven.
It sure humbles me and amazes me that God thinks of me as precious and thinks of me constantly.  I feel I disappoint Him constantly and don't deserve what He gives me.  I know that I don't deserve anything, yet He continues to give to me.  God thinks of me constantly and I fall far short of that for Him.  I pray that this will be something I do more and more.  Think of God constantly and be in His Word more often to connect with Him.
I pray that you will continue to be with me Lord, and that I'll be more aware of you and yielding myself to you.
I just heard this Toby Mac song and liked it very much.  See what you think. Just to think about being without God is a scary thing to me, yet there was a time that I didn't have the Lord.  I became a believe as an adult.  The odds were definitely against me to find Christ as an adult.

Toby Mac-Me Without You
Thanks for stopping by today.
Blessings of the day-We helped Kathy clean up leaves and her gutter.  We were able to empty my classroom.

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