Monday, July 2, 2012

Delivery Tomorrow by 10:30 AM!

I'm a Stampin' Up demonstrator and Sunday was the day at 2:00 a.m. that we could pre-order stuff from the Holiday catalog.  I expedited my order so I will have it tomorrow!  I can't wait.  I'll tell you what a great company I work for here.  Stampin' Up offered a bundle of a stamp set and the die cuts that go with them for 42.95.  Well, the bundle online when we ordered was 16.95.  I didn't notice this since it was 2 a.m.  I thought I'd messed up my total because of the hour.  So, I added more things to get to the total I needed.  Anyway, Stampin' Up said it was an internal error and they won't charge those of us who ordered before the mistake was noticed.  Now mind you, this is 2 a.m. Sunday morning.  There's no one at SU to call to let them know there was a problem.  The whole bundle went through with no problem.  Anyway, I thought it was amazing that I got the $43 dollar bundle for $17.  Isn't SU amazing?!

My Open House if Saturday.  I will use the things I order for Saturday.  So between tomorrow and Friday night, I will make things to show customers.  I can't wait.  Sarah and I are going to make cookies with SU's cookie cutters.  Wish I could get a picture for you but I can't.  Anyway it should be fun.

Today was kind of a lazy day.  It was hard to get motivated.  I woke up with a killer headache.  I was having a very stressful dream before I woke up.  Do you have strange dreams when you wake up then go back to sleep?  I always do, I wonder if there's an explanation for that.

Ben and Sarah were catching up on sleep today.  They stayed up last week until about 2:30 a.m. and were up by 8 for breakfast.  So today Ben got up at 11:30 and Sarah showed her fact around 1:30. :)   I told them their dad had been up 6-8 hours before them to go to work. LOL

I am setting out cards and projects I've done to show customers different things they can do with stamps or dies.  I will take pictures soon.

I found a few interesting things today on the web.  Wouldn't you just love it if your child brought this home on their last day of school?
This really spoke to me this morning.  I usually will tell God that He's getting the burdens I have and I tell Him specifically. (Like I have to do that right?  I'm talking to God, what do I need to tell him?)
Anyway, it isn't long before I begin to do things on my own to 'fix' whatever I just gave Him to manage.  Inevitably I mess it up and have to give it to Him again...........sheesh, you'd think I'd get it after all of this time.  No, not me, I still struggle with all sorts of things.  Sometimes I wonder if He's up there just shaking His head and looking down at me like I'm one of the Special Needs kids like I teach.
"Well, she didn't get it this time, what else can I use to teach her the lesson she needs to learn?" " I've tried, 360 million things, but I'll try again........sigh, I know she'll get it soon."
I can identify with that as a parent and special needs teacher.  It makes me more aware of things that I need to reteach or discuss again with kids or students.

Tomorrow I have a PT consultation.  I'm still having hip pain so I need to see if they can help.  I'm really praying that they can make a difference since the cortisone shots haven't made a difference.

Well, it's time for sleep.  After all, I have to be up ready to answer the door when Brown rings at 10:30!
Blessing for Today:Tim was able to deal with two difficult people in a phone conference and remain under control.  Praise God for his help with that.

Here's a name from my past in Christian singers, Susan Ashton.  See what you think.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...