Thursday, July 5, 2012

An Interesting Day

Today was an interesting day.  I went to Jane's house to stamp.  When I got there she told me she had just lost power.  We decided to go to lunch then come back to see if power had been restored.  Well, it hadn't so I asked if she'd like to come to my house to stamp.  She packed up her things and we stamped here where we had power and air conditioning.
 Jane kept checking her home phone to see if she had power.  Her answering machine would take a message if she had power.
Well we were supposed to have Bible Study at Jane's but without light or air, it had to be cancelled.  Jane stayed for dinner, then about 8:30 a neighbor called and said power was on.
I drove Jane back home so she could get the air turned on in her house.

She kept laughing about how we had planned one kind of day and God had planned another kind of day.  The power came back on just at the time our Bible Study would have finished.

I have been making cards for people to look at Saturday at the Open House.  Here they are.  There are so many that I don't want to write about each.  You can check out my SCS gallery found here if you want to know specifics.

It's quiet in the house except for the music I'm listening to and the dryer working to finish it's last load of the day.
Jane and I were talking about how spoiled we are here in the U.S.  When the power goes out, we hate to be hot because we are so used to air conditioning.  When I was a kid we didn't have air and it was awful on those hot nights sleeping on the third floor.  My dad insisted on having the huge fan in the window pulling the hot air out.  All we wanted to do was turn that thing around to blow air on us.  The fan was too big for us to move it.  Our luck it would have ripped the screen and fallen three stories below and bounced on the lower roof, to the grass to the street.  I know I'd have prayed to die before dad got up to the third floor! LOL

Blessing of the Day:Jane got her power back.
Blessings to you and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Stampin' Mom of Four said...

What beautiful cards! I still haven't placed my Holiday Mini order - waiting till after convention. So nice to see some of those goodies in use. I love the Blooming with Kindness set, too. ... I remember those hot summer nights of my childhood. I remember late summer night trips to the grocery store with my mom. It was the only way to get cool. Those were also the days of no AC in vehicles. Nowadays, I'd be too afraid of my safety to be out that late.) Glad to have working AC now!

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