Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Work Around

Well, it seems that blogger is being weird tonight but it accepted photos if I load them from the html screen.  Here is a photo I found a while back that says Winter to me.  I just love to watch the cardinals at our feeder through the winter. Both the male and female can be seen eating heartily in the feeder.

The image was cut off, It reads....Me and my bed, you and your jeans.
I'm working on Card Ministry cards for Valentine's Day and Easter.  Friday at work we had to stand outside for about 15 minutes in the wind and cold until we were told it was safe to come back in.  A student started a fire in an upstairs bathroom.  Yeah, I know our school only goes up to 4th grade and we have to deal with this kind of stuff.

Monday my boss resigned and there was a big stink about it at the board meeting.  The PTA was behind him but the board wasn't going to change its mind about his resignation. I think I was in the minority in thinking that it was PAST TIME for him to retire.  He'd been in education for 41 years, let someone new in with great ideas, more patience and energy.

Well, I have to get some sleep.  I have to finish cutting card stock for Card Ministry tomorrow night.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Blessing of the day:God brought a friend's mom through surgery and now the healing begins.
Thanks for stopping by,

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Heart Shaped Bundle

 Check out this bundle with a stamp set and dies that are perfect to let people know how much you care. It's not a Valentine's Day s...