Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sunshine In My Day

Sunshine comes in many different ways these days.  Today we have sunshine outside which really lights up my day here in Cleveland where we have much cloud cover.  Sunshine comes in words or songs.  Ever sing this song to your little ones?  Usually by the time I'd get done singing this I'd have a few tears in my eyes because of the love I felt for my kids.
Sunshine came in the form of a deer this morning right outside my window. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and saw this beautiful deer so close I could have touched it.  She was probably eating my bushes just before I saw her, but I don't know that for sure. LOL

Sunshine comes in the form of sunflowers, one of my all time favorite flowers.  I love seeing them in a field together. It truly brightens my day.
This card was made for today's inspiration challenge at Splitcoast.  The site was full of amazing sparkly dresses for women of India.  They were gorgeous! When I make a card I feel more sunshine since it's something I love to do!  I need to decide what text I want for this card.

Tim and I went to see the movie Lincoln tonight.  It was a good movie.   I've been interested in Lincoln's life and when we went to DC on vacation we visited Ford Theatre. I'm going to check out now how much was real and how much was added for the movie.
I am looking forward to spending time with a good friend tomorrow starting with church, then breakfast, then Archivers.  Kids come home tomorrow, not sure I'm ready for that.  It's been nice living mostly stress free here.  I know I'll soon beg to have them here when they are living somewhere else.  The time with them certainly does go fast!

Blessing of the Day:Tim and I were able to get through a disagreement which could have ruined our day.
thanks for stopping by today.

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