Friday, January 31, 2014

At The Corner of Grumpy and REALLY, AGAIN?

  Ya know how Walgreens advertises at the corner of happy and healthy?  Well it's the opposite at CVS for me....................

  Today I knew I had to go to two pharmacies to get prescriptions filled.  If you've read this blog for any amount of time you might have read about my battle with CVS to get one prescription of 45 pills.  I retired in September 2013 and still today, January 31, 2014 I got the wrong amount.....................Now usually I  complain and get upset.  Today knowing what I had to do, I prayed that God would help me deal with what would happen.  I'm not surprised anymore when I have to take 2 trips to the pharmacy to get the correct number of pills.  I expect something will go wrong...............I'm hoping soon they will surprise me!

So today when I got home and found 15 pills not 45 I prayed again before I called CVS.  I had to listen to the music they play while on hold.  It's ONE song that plays over and over.  I listened to the song 4 times before being disconnected...............yup, did I complain?  Nope, I sighed and redialed.  Again I got the music and listened 2 more times to that song and finally someone answered.  The tech that answered couldn't help me so she put me on hold again until the pharmacist could speak to me.  2 more songs later I was speaking to him.  He told me I could return the 15 pills and he'd give me the 45.  So I took the bottle of pills to CVS and went in.  I knew it was going to take a while.  I explained what happened to the tech and she said she didn't know what to do so she left the bottle on the counter for the pharmacist when he came out of the back room.  He told the tech to use the register to return the pills then he could give me the 45.  The tech asked me if I brought the paperwork for the pills with me.  I told her no.  She said, "Next time this happens it's easier if you bring the paperwork back too."
   Now I'm praying once again because I want to be nice.  She's right on one thing, there probably will be a NEXT time; this time in February.  There shouldn't be, but since September I meet and greet with these people at least twice over my prescription.
   I sat for 20 minutes while they worked on my prescription and again prayed that I'd be calm and not get upset.  So I started to download Pintrest so I could look at some cards.  Right in the middle of that they called me for my order.  Now, I got a bit frustrated since I'd finally found something to do that served me!  However, I didn't complain, I got my meds and happily left that place.

   I know that some of this is due to the fact that it always seems that they are short-handed at the pharmacy, which leads to mistakes. So I prayed lots this morning due to CVS.

Now I also had to drop a prescription off at Walgreens for Tim.  I dropped it off at the drive thru and was told 20 minutes if I wanted to wait.  I said I'd be back in an hour knowing I was heading to CVS.    I returned an hour later at the drive-thru and picked up the prescription and didn't have to deal with a clipboard out the window to sign.  They have auto-pay so you don't even have to fumble for a credit card or their store card.  I was in and out of that drive-thru in less than 2 minutes!  I always smile when I go to Walgreens pharmacy!

Today I made some cards.  See what you think.  This card was for today's Ways To Use It Challenge at SCS.  You had to use the word Love on your card.
 This second card was for Queen For The Day honoring Robin.  Her card is the one with the butterflies and netting. I like this new Saleabration Stamp Set from Stampin' Up.

I saw this on FB today and had to post it.  It really touched me.

Today Sweet Sarah got her wish to go to Panera.  Her Dad doesn't like to see her pout when she asks to go to Panera on Friday for dinner.  So she smiled bright and wide as I drove us to Panera for dinner.  That's what Friday nights are for.  Love making these memories.  Although I'll probably cry going into Panera when Sarah moves to California for school. :(

Take a listen to this song by Plumb called, Don't Deserve You.  It is such a comfort to know we are so important to God that he'd be there for our smallest concern. He's our Dad and loves us unconditionally. I get that as a parent.  No matter what my kids do, I still love them, want to help them, comfort them.  
This line really stood out to me.  With all we do to hurt God, he's there no matter what.
 "I don't deserve your love,  you give it to me anyway."

Blessing of the Day:Making Memories with Tim and Sarah at Panera.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Stampin' Mom of Four said...
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