Saturday, February 1, 2014

Time, Tears, Taxes, What A Day!

I saw a bit of my childhood disappear this week.  It's not a bad thing I guess.  We used to shop at Parmatown Mall at a store called The May Company.  It changed to other names during it's time but eventually closed due to low business.  It sat empty for years.  A new group has purchased the mall and are working to get it back to something of pride for Parma.

This week they began taking the building down so they can build new things that will revitalize the mall.  Here are some pictures of it.  People were invited to sit in their cars and watch the crane with the wrecking ball take down the building.  It was vidoed as well so you could see it if you couldn't be there.

I have to tell you I watched the first 5 minutes and thought there had to be a better way to do this.  The ball kept swinging and hardly putting a dent in the building.  Anyway, looks like they've made progress.  I can't wait to see what they do to this area to revitalize it.

Parmatown has been on the downslide for a lot of years.  Years ago MaryJo Pesho was kidnapped from the mall in her own van and killed.  Many never felt safe again going there.  They'd shop with someone, and gradually you'd find other places that seemed safer to shop.  It's sad really.  I hope this new group of developers can do something to revive this area of Parma.

Here is a card I made for the Inspiration Challenge which was to look at items on the Ethan Allen website.
Here's my card.  You can also see my inspiration piece.  I may just adjust this a bit to look like a picture frame, not sure.
I saw this on FB and had to post it.  I am sooooo ready for warm weather and flip flops!  Going to Texas soon so I hope that helps this feeling.
 I also saw this today on FB.  What a wonderful reminder of who we are and what we are called to do.
I Will Hold You Up by Matthew West.  See what you think.
This is just what I needed tonight.  Tim figured out our taxes and we're going to owe money because of all that happened when I retired. You get paid for sick days you don't use then the taxes on it takes most of it away. Knowing this now, I think I'd have used all of my sick days.
 I am so bummed.  I don't want to give our government any more money to waste on stupid things.  I worked hard for that money!!!!  God understands my tears and so does Tim.  I just have to have an emotional reaction then come to terms with the reality.  That's why God put me with Tim I'm sure.
Blessing of the Day:Coffee Time with Tim and a fun dinner with Tim and Sarah.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Important Updates

Hey Everybody,   I have a few IMPORTANT updates to share, including a brand-new rewards program, price change details, an exc...