Saturday, January 25, 2014

Been Without My Laptop Since Thursday

What do you do when you can't use your laptop?  You take up crocheting! LOL    I saw we were going to have lots of cold and snow so I went to get my scarf and hat.  They have disappeared.  So, I got out my crochet hook with my warm, variegated yarn and began to make myself a scarf.  I'm just about done.  I actually made one that was wider, but didn't have enough yarn to make it as long as I needed it, so I pulled it apart and began a narrower scarf.  It was easy to do while watching Anne of Green Gables, the beginning, with Sarah last night.  We will finish the first disc tonight.

The Simple Woman’s Daybook

FOR TODAY January 25,2014

Outside My Window...It is snowing like crazy!  Tim's already plowed 6" from the driveway this morning.  There's lots more coming down.

I am thinking...snow is prettier when you don't have to drive in it.

I am thankful for...a safe trip out and back.  I'm also thankful that Tim was able to fix my laptop.  It needed a new hard drive.

From the kitchen...all is quiet except the Kurig making another cup of hot water for tea.

I am wearing...a sweatshirt, jeans and shoes.

I am with sponging scenes.

I am get dinner started soon if Tim doesn't wake from his nap.

I am reading...A Cousin's Promise by Wanda Brewster.

I am hoping...that we can go to church tomorrow with all this snow.

I am hearing...Christian music playing from Air1 on my laptop.

Around the house...all is quiet as Tim's napping and Sarah's in her room.

One of my favorite watching a show or movie with Sarah.  I love to watch her reactions to me or the movie.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:continue to make birthday cards to be sent out for February for Splitcoaststampers who are on the Birthday Random Act of Kindness List.

Here are some pictures I thought were worth sharing...
  Check out the height of the snow here!  This was 35 years ago in Cleveland! Yikes, I hope that's not where we're heading again!

This is the snow Ben and Rachel got in Texas.  I asked if schools were closed because of this! LOL
Blessing of the Day:Able to work on my laptop!  Woot-Woot!!  Thanks Tim.
Thanks for stopping by.

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