Sunday, January 26, 2014

Snowblower Has Died..........What To Do? What To Do?

Snowblower issues are not good when you live in Cleveland, Ohio.  Today Tim is trying to get the snowblower to stay running.  We've had it for about 10 years and were hoping to get through one more winter with it. Sigh, Shoveling isn't an option.  A new one would be around $900.  I say, "Pay the man." instead of buying a new one. I think it will be cheaper in the long run.  We won't have repairs, gas or storage issues to deal with.  We'll see what we end up doing.

This morning at church a guy told us about an app that might be what we need to do.  It's called, plowz.  It is an app that you fill out the info they ask for about your driveway, and your phone gives them the location, and they find a driver near you who will plow your driveway.  They let you know how long it will be before someone comes by.  You pay the company and they pay the driver.  This is perfect!  We don't have to have a contract with someone and only are plowed when we need it!  This may be in our immediate future!  :)

This morning it was awful driving to church.  It was snowing non-stop and blowing the snow around.  We had below 0 temps with the wind chill.  I was surprised that the church was open today.  I was surprised to hear Tim's dad got out to the grocery store.  The city finally plowed his driveway.  Maybe we'll have to get him someone to plow his driveway too.

This is a song that was brought to my attention by a friend.  Thanks so much Val.  Take a listen.

This was a funny sign I saw on FB today.   I had to laugh.
This is a card for the Queen For The Day challenge.
This was for today's featured stamper challenge on SCS.
I hope this is your view of our Heavenly Father.
Time for sleep.  An early dr. appt. tomorrow.
Blessing of the Day:Met a person who will be in our small group Bible Study.
Snow stopped, we got to church and back safely.
Thanks for stopping by.

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Important Updates

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