Friday, May 2, 2014

Home Again, Home Again We Lost 3 Hours

Yesterday was a day spent traveling.  Oh my what a full day.  Woke at 5:15 Arizona time.  We were on the road for 3 1/2 hours to get to Phoenix to return the rental car.  One great thing they have there is you can check your bags there near the rental car area.  Then you can take the shuttle to the airport without hauling bags in and out of the shuttle.  It was so much more relaxing.

We got lunch and waited until Ben and Rachel got their flight to Austin.  Then we had to walk back to our gate and wait for our flight.

When we got to Dallas Fort Worth, we got to ride a tram to the concourse we needed.  The great thing was, it dropped us off near our gate!  Usually we have to walk to the other end of the concourse to get to our gate.  They had great seating and places to charge your phone and other devices.

We took off from Dallas and ended up in Cleveland around 10:30 our time.  We lost 3 hours yesterday and really felt it today.  So we literally spent the whole day traveling!

Here are some more pictures of our adventures.
Here are two burrows from Oatman.  These burros are wild and walk the streets of Oatman.  Oatman was a mining town years ago.  When the gold rush ended the prospectors just let their burrows go wild.  We saw a burrow grab a man's bag and rip it open.  He had candy in the bag that was individually wrapped and it hit the ground.  That burrow then more, ate that candy as fast as they could.  Others were trying to help the guy pick up the candy so the burrows didn't get to eat it all! It was funny probably because it wasn't us!

 This is one of many moose that roamed freely through the Grand Canyon.  You saw them all over.  They didn't seem afraid of people at all.
 Here are 'the kids' in Oatman with a painted scene behind them.  It was a great week getting to know them better.  It was so much fun to watch them tease each other and interact with each other.
 Finally a picture of Tim and I at a restaurant in Oatman, AZ.
 This was an area on the way to Oatman where steps were carved into the rock.  Tim and the kids climbed them and got pretty high.  I didn't dare try this as I am very attached to the hips that have been replaced! LOL
 I saw this on FB and had to laugh.  I've seen it before and it was fun to read it again.

This is the card I made today for a double challenge.  One challenge was to use cork on a card.  The other challenge was to use wood.  I found a video on faux cork then mounted this onto an embossed background of woodgrain.

Today I got to order my new Stampin' Up stuff from our new catalog!  Can't wait to get it next week.
Blessing of the Day:Got to hug and comfort Sarah.
Thanks for stopping by.

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