Sunday, April 5, 2015

He Has Risen Easter 2015

The Easter Story
That Tomb is Still EmptyThat tomb is still empty! Levi and Lia tell the story of Easter. Blessings from the Mullen Family! Thank you also for your prayers and support for our upcoming 3rd adoption. Read more about it or make a donation to Luca's Adoption Fund on our “And Luca Makes 5” adoption page: You have permission to share this video with others, and your church has permission to show it in church services. We do request that this video be used with discretion and only in appropriate ways. If you are not sure whether or not your use is appropriate, please do not show/share it. Thank you.
Posted by Joel Mullen on Friday, April 3, 2015

This man put 10,000 eggs in his tree.  
 The second card here is the card I made using the card on the left as inspiration.  The flowers were masked.  It took this challenge to get me to make a mask for this flower.

Today was packed at the 8:15 service.  We had to leave the house at 7:05 to get to church early.  You know how it goes, the C&E people come out and want a seat, so the 'regulars' have to come early to get a seat.
Pastor Begg was back in the pulpit today.  It was so good to hear him speak.  He said someone asked him this week what his sermon was going to be about today......What????? Seriously?????

Ben and Rachel came with us and on the way home we stopped for breakfast at Demetrios Restaurant.
When we got home  I pulled out the baskets I made and filled with candy for the kids and Tim.  I will post them tomorrow.

A fun day was had by all.

Blessing of the Day: Being with family and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
Thanks for stopping by.

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